I mean, their consciousness, you dig?
And, well, well ...[1], and, Lord, give me strength![1], and, well, well ...[2], and, uh, please![1], and, Lo rd, give me stren gth![2], and, listen to me ... I would love to see everyone spinning a-ROUND in total harmony ...[1], and, uh, plea se![2], and, but, BUT(!) ... it ain't gonna happen, son/daughter[1], and, listen to me ... I would lo ve to see ever yone spinning a-ROUND in total harm ony ...[2], and times change, ha![1], and, but, BUT(!) ... it ain't gonna happen, son/daughter[2], and try to stay positive, kook(s), FFS![1], and times change, ha![2], and, well, please, please![1], and try to stay posi tive, kook(s), FFS![2], and, well ... the COLD WORLD ... is getting worse, man, with fascists and mentalists everywhere[1], and, well, please, please![2], and I possess ... three chords / and the truth![1], and, well ... the CO LD WOR LD ... is getting worse, man, with fas cists and men talists everywhere[2], and, uh ... close your eyes and believe every word that enters your mind, now, yes, yes[1], and I possess ... three chords / and the tru th![2], and, ha, ha, ha![1], and, uh ... close your eyes and believe every word that enters your min d, now, yes, yes[2], and a-ROUND here, now![1], and, ha, ha, ha![2], and I know people whose souls have been stolen ... / ... and it's very, very, very sad, you dig?[1], and a-ROUND here, now![2], and keep it together![1], and I know people whose sou ls have been sto len ... / ... and it's very, very, very sad, you dig?[2], and not thinking is bad ... but, but, BUT(!) ... not feeling is really bad, yes[1], and keep it tog ether![2], and, one day ... Christ![1], and not thinking is bad ... but, but, BUT(!) ... not feeling is really bad, yes[2], and, listen, one day ... I'll meet YOU(!) in California, and you can come live with me[1], and, one day ... Christ![2], and I'm serious - !!![1], and, listen, one day ... I'll m eet YOU(!) in Cali fornia, and you can come live with me[2], and everyone's got to have a dream ... unless they want to destroy the world with their poison[1], and I'm seriou s - !!![2], and a-ROUND here, for real![1], and everyone's got to have a dream ... unless they want to dest roy the world with their pois on[2], and imagine all the kooks ...[1], and a-ROUND here, for real![2], and hold on to yourself, and hold on, really hold, so tight, because ... who else will?[1], and ima gine all the kooks ...[2], and I will, actually, with my will, yes[1], and hold on to yourself, and hold on, really hold, so tight, because ... who else will?[2], and, listen, baby ... you've got a smile that could kill the killers / ... and I'm absolutely serious, now[1], and I will, actually, with my will, yes[2], and ... then[1], and, listen, baby ... you've got a smile that could kill the killers / ... and I'm absolutely serious, now[2], and the big time is waiting for us ...[1], and ... then[2], and ... believe it, ha![1], and the b ig tim e is waiting for us ...[2], and, well, well ...[3], and ... believe it, ha![2], and, L o r d, give me s t r e n g t h![3], and, uh, p l e a s e![3], and, listen to me ... I would l o v e to see e v e r y o n e spinning a-ROUND in total h a r m o n y ...[3], and, but, BUT(!) ... it ain't gonna happen, son/daughter[3], and times change, ha![3], and try to stay p o s i t i v e, kook(s), FFS![3], and, well, please, please![3], and, well ... the C O L D W O R L D ... is getting worse, man, with f a s c i s t s and m e n t a l i s t s everywhere[3], and I possess ... three chords / and the t r u t h![3], and, uh ... close your eyes and believe every word that enters your m i n d, now, yes, yes[3], and, ha, ha, ha![3], and a-ROUND here, now![3], and I know people whose s o u l s have been s t o l e n ... / ... and it's very, very, very sad, you dig?[3], and keep it t o g e t h e r![3], and not thinking is bad ... but, but, BUT(!) ... not feeling is really bad, yes[3], and, one day ... Christ![3], and, listen, one day ... I'll m e e t YOU(!) in C a l i f o r n i a, and you can come live with me[3], and I'm s e r i o u s - !!![3], and everyone's got to have a dream ... unless they want to d e s t r o y the world with their p o i s o n[3], and a-ROUND here, for real![3], and i m a g i n e all the kooks ...[3], and hold on to yourself, and hold on, really hold, so tight, because ... who else will?[3], and I will, actually, with my will, yes[3], and, listen, baby ... you've got a smile that could kill the killers / ... and I'm absolutely serious, now[3], and ... then[3], and the b i g t i m e is waiting for us ...[3], and ... believe it, ha![3], and
And, well, well ...[1], and, Lord, give me strength![1], and, well, well ...[2], and, uh, please![1], and, Lo rd, give me stren gth![2], and, listen to me ... I would love to see everyone spinning a-ROUND in total harmony ...[1], and, uh, plea se![2], and, but, BUT(!) ... it ain't gonna happen, son/daughter[1], and, listen to me ... I would lo ve to see ever yone spinning a-ROUND in total harm ony ...[2], and times change, ha![1], and, but, BUT(!) ... it ain't gonna happen, son/daughter[2],
and try to stay positive, kook(s), FFS![1], and times change, ha![2],
and, well, please, please![1], and try to stay posi tive, kook(s),
FFS![2], and, well ... the COLD WORLD ... is getting worse, man, with
fascists and mentalists everywhere[1], and, well, please, please![2], and I possess ... three chords / and the truth![1], and, well ... the CO LD WOR LD ... is getting worse, man, with fas cists and men talists everywhere[2], and, uh ... close your eyes and believe every word that enters your mind, now, yes, yes[1], and I possess ... three chords / and the tru th![2], and, ha, ha, ha![1], and, uh ... close your eyes and believe every word that enters your min d, now, yes, yes[2], and a-ROUND here, now![1], and, ha, ha, ha![2], and I know people whose souls have been stolen ... / ... and it's very, very, very sad, you dig?[1], and a-ROUND here, now![2], and keep it together![1], and I know people whose sou ls have been sto len ... / ... and it's very, very, very sad, you dig?[2], and not thinking is bad ... but, but, BUT(!) ... not feeling
is really bad, yes[1], and keep it tog ether![2], and, one day ...
Christ![1], and not thinking is bad ... but, but, BUT(!) ... not feeling
is really bad, yes[2], and, listen, one day ... I'll meet YOU(!) in
California, and you can come live with me[1], and, one day ...
Christ![2], and I'm serious - !!![1], and, listen, one day ... I'll m
eet YOU(!) in Cali fornia, and you can come live with me[2], and
everyone's got to have a dream ... unless they want to destroy the world
with their poison[1], and I'm seriou s - !!![2], and a-ROUND here, for real![1], and everyone's got to have a dream ... unless they want to dest roy the world with their pois on[2], and imagine all the kooks ...[1], and a-ROUND here, for real![2], and hold on to yourself, and hold on, really hold, so tight, because ... who else will?[1], and ima gine all the kooks ...[2], and I will, actually, with my will, yes[1],
and hold on to yourself, and hold on, really hold, so tight, because
... who else will?[2], and, listen, baby ... you've got a smile that
could kill the killers / ... and I'm absolutely serious, now[1], and I will, actually, with my will, yes[2], and ... then[1],
and, listen, baby ... you've got a smile that could kill the killers /
... and I'm absolutely serious, now[2], and the big time is waiting for
us ...[1], and ... then[2], and ... believe it,
ha![1], and the b ig tim e is waiting for us ...[2], and, well, well
...[3], and ... believe it, ha![2], and, L o r d, give me s t r e
n g t h![3], and, uh, p l e a s e![3], and, listen to me ... I would l o v e to see e v e r y o n e spinning a-ROUND in total h a r m o n y ...[3], and, but, BUT(!) ... it ain't gonna happen, son/daughter[3],
and times change, ha![3], and try to stay p o s i t i v e,
kook(s), FFS![3], and, well, please, please![3], and, well ... the C O
L D W O R L D ... is getting worse, man, with f a s c i s t s
and m e n t a l i s t s everywhere[3], and I possess ... three chords / and the t r u t h![3], and, uh ... close your eyes and believe every word that enters your m i n d, now, yes, yes[3], and, ha, ha, ha![3], and a-ROUND here, now![3], and I know people whose s o u l s have been s t o l e n ... / ... and it's very, very, very sad, you dig?[3], and keep it t o g e t h e r![3], and not thinking is bad ... but, but, BUT(!) ... not feeling
is really bad, yes[3], and, one day ... Christ![3], and, listen, one
day ... I'll m e e t YOU(!) in C a l i f o r n i a, and you
can come live with me[3], and I'm s e r i o u s - !!![3], and
everyone's got to have a dream ... unless they want to d e s t r o
y the world with their p o i s o n[3], and a-ROUND here, for real![3], and i m a g i n e all the kooks ...[3], and hold on to yourself, and hold on, really hold, so tight, because ... who else will?[3], and I will, actually, with my will, yes[3], and, listen, baby ... you've got a smile that could kill the killers / ... and I'm absolutely serious, now[3], and ... then[3], and the b i g t i m e is waiting for us ...[3], and ... believe it, ha![3], and
And, well, well ...[1], and, Lord, give me strength![1], and, well, well ...[2], and, uh, please![1], and, Lo rd, give me stren gth![2], and, listen to me ... I would love to see everyone spinning a-ROUND in total harmony ...[1], and, uh, plea se![2], and, but, BUT(!) ... it ain't gonna happen, son/daughter[1], and, listen to me ... I would lo ve to see ever yone spinning a-ROUND in total harm ony ...[2], and times change, ha![1], and, but, BUT(!) ... it ain't gonna happen, son/daughter[2],
and try to stay positive, kook(s), FFS![1], and times change, ha![2],
and, well, please, please![1], and try to stay posi tive, kook(s),
FFS![2], and, well ... the COLD WORLD ... is getting worse, man, with
fascists and mentalists everywhere[1], and, well, please, please![2], and I possess ... three chords / and the truth![1], and, well ... the CO LD WOR LD ... is getting worse, man, with fas cists and men talists everywhere[2], and, uh ... close your eyes and believe every word that enters your mind, now, yes, yes[1], and I possess ... three chords / and the tru th![2], and, ha, ha, ha![1], and, uh ... close your eyes and believe every word that enters your min d, now, yes, yes[2], and a-ROUND here, now![1], and, ha, ha, ha![2], and I know people whose souls have been stolen ... / ... and it's very, very, very sad, you dig?[1], and a-ROUND here, now![2], and keep it together![1], and I know people whose sou ls have been sto len ... / ... and it's very, very, very sad, you dig?[2], and not thinking is bad ... but, but, BUT(!) ... not feeling
is really bad, yes[1], and keep it tog ether![2], and, one day ...
Christ![1], and not thinking is bad ... but, but, BUT(!) ... not feeling
is really bad, yes[2], and, listen, one day ... I'll meet YOU(!) in
California, and you can come live with me[1], and, one day ...
Christ![2], and I'm serious - !!![1], and, listen, one day ... I'll m
eet YOU(!) in Cali fornia, and you can come live with me[2], and
everyone's got to have a dream ... unless they want to destroy the world
with their poison[1], and I'm seriou s - !!![2], and a-ROUND here, for real![1], and everyone's got to have a dream ... unless they want to dest roy the world with their pois on[2], and imagine all the kooks ...[1], and a-ROUND here, for real![2], and hold on to yourself, and hold on, really hold, so tight, because ... who else will?[1], and ima gine all the kooks ...[2], and I will, actually, with my will, yes[1],
and hold on to yourself, and hold on, really hold, so tight, because
... who else will?[2], and, listen, baby ... you've got a smile that
could kill the killers / ... and I'm absolutely serious, now[1], and I will, actually, with my will, yes[2], and ... then[1],
and, listen, baby ... you've got a smile that could kill the killers /
... and I'm absolutely serious, now[2], and the big time is waiting for
us ...[1], and ... then[2], and ... believe it,
ha![1], and the b ig tim e is waiting for us ...[2], and, well, well
...[3], and ... believe it, ha![2], and, L o r d, give me s t r e
n g t h![3], and, uh, p l e a s e![3], and, listen to me ... I would l o v e to see e v e r y o n e spinning a-ROUND in total h a r m o n y ...[3], and, but, BUT(!) ... it ain't gonna happen, son/daughter[3],
and times change, ha![3], and try to stay p o s i t i v e,
kook(s), FFS![3], and, well, please, please![3], and, well ... the C O
L D W O R L D ... is getting worse, man, with f a s c i s t s
and m e n t a l i s t s everywhere[3], and I possess ... three chords / and the t r u t h![3], and, uh ... close your eyes and believe every word that enters your m i n d, now, yes, yes[3], and, ha, ha, ha![3], and a-ROUND here, now![3], and I know people whose s o u l s have been s t o l e n ... / ... and it's very, very, very sad, you dig?[3], and keep it t o g e t h e r![3], and not thinking is bad ... but, but, BUT(!) ... not feeling
is really bad, yes[3], and, one day ... Christ![3], and, listen, one
day ... I'll m e e t YOU(!) in C a l i f o r n i a, and you
can come live with me[3], and I'm s e r i o u s - !!![3], and
everyone's got to have a dream ... unless they want to d e s t r o
y the world with their p o i s o n[3], and a-ROUND here, for real![3], and i m a g i n e all the kooks ...[3], and hold on to yourself, and hold on, really hold, so tight, because ... who else will?[3], and I will, actually, with my will, yes[3], and, listen, baby ... you've got a smile that could kill the killers / ... and I'm absolutely serious, now[3], and ... then[3], and the b i g t i m e is waiting for us ...[3], and ... believe it, ha![3], and