Monday 30 May 2022

Five days

Yeah, yeah.

That's all it is. Five days. Monday to Friday. How hard can it be ... to be so pure and cut off from the world for only five days? 

To live in your own reality for five days. You don't know what's going on outside, and you don't want to know BECAUSE

All the action is inside, you dig? That's the theory, anyway.

Don't tell me no news, man, or I'll give you some news of my own. That's fair, ain't it?

I think Xavier didn't sleep during those five days. 'Maybe half an hour under his desk, boss.' Yes, Voice, maybe.

A true Hell almost a Week that we can turn into heaven. It all depends on your attitude. How do you look at it ... the situation?


There was no freedom for Marco in the kitchen. That was six days a week. Five is very reasonable.

After the blogging, I'll get those four lyrics. I will now. I've got to now.

And next week, the next five days??? The demo??? It's possible BUT

Let me get through these five days first.

I'm not even going to leave the house until Saturday. 'What will you do then?' I'll walk, and walk, and walk ... in the fresh air. 'Nice.'

Obviously, this isn't a PR email. Tomorrow, we may find out who ... some complete stranger is.


I can't say I'm excited about the thought of that.

What else can I write about? 'Will you be spinning a-ROUND later?' Yes. 'What will you spin about?'




No TV, no YouTube, no music, no books, only

*** not complete silence ***

NO - !!!

Only one audiobook, Being John ...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, just a bit here and there

oh, during the day, and night

to break the silence, yes

to keep me motivated

yes, during any possible "weak" moments


and I'll listen to it the way someone like Elon would listen.


I'll treat it as a blueprint, Voice.


That's the way.


What else can I write about, man?!

I mean, every day.

'A motivational blog!'

I don't know.

'A music blog!'

I don't know. 

'A finance blog!'

Do me a favour!

No, no, no.


What is this ... what I've just written?

'Er ...'

