Thursday, 31 August 2023

Your No. 1 relationship has got to be with the cosmos

Otherwise you're lost.

You don't worship the cosmos. That's for amateurs.
You don't read a book to find out more information about the cosmos. (If you've really got your shit together, you shouldn't need this post.)
You don't go into a certain building to be told about your relationship with the cosmos. That's for amateurs.
There is no human authority for you to consult with. The cosmos is the only authority.
Your ego? Obviously, hold on to your ego for dealing with this hellish world, but lose it occasionally to get the best connection with the cosmos. Dreams, blackouts, and visions are perfect for this.
Be confident that the cosmos isn't going anywhere. Everything else in your life is going somewhere. The cosmos isn't. We're talking billions and trillions of years before you were born, and billions and trillions after you die. And it's more than just the physical universe.
Get the picture?

Nice one, kooks!

Oh, I forgot. The cosmos expects you to have a "passion" of some kind. But isn't that a temporary thing? Yes, it is. However, if you become world-class at this "passion", the cosmos notices and gives you a promotion.

Is a promotion really necessary? Well, it all depends. Would you like to become a demigod, or a rat? Would you like to become a cosmic dolphin flying through space, or a pig on a farm somewhere? Or just another human?

These things are worth considering.