What store?!
What are they talking about?!
I mean -
Biometric In-store Payments to Boost Besieged Retail Market, with 46 Billion Biometric-enabled Transactions Forecast Globally by 2028.
Oh, okay.
Basingstoke, UK - 29th January 2024: A new study by Juniper Research, the foremost experts in fintech markets, forecasts a substantial growth of 138% in the number of transactions carried out via biometric-enabled POS terminals, up from 19.5 billion in 2023.
'These guys are foremost, boss!'
Tell me about it.
'I just did.'
Yeah, yeah.
Biometric in-store payments enable consumers to pay in-store through different biometrics, including palm vein, facial & iris recognition, and fingerprints.
I pay with cash, man! Cold, hard cash! What the hell is happening to this world?!
The research found in-store biometrics can enable a better consumer experience; allowing retailers to create a highly differentiated in-store offering. This differentiation is key for the under pressure in-store retail sector, which faces stronger than ever competition from eCommerce, alongside reduced consumer spending, due to the cost-of-living crisis in many markets.
I just ...
'The world is full of mugs, boss, just waiting ... no ... actually begging to become slaves.'
Tell me about it.
'I just did.'
Okay, Voice.
Anyway ...
Research co-author Melissa Amouny comments: "The physical nature of bricks-and-mortar stores is one of its only remaining competitive edges, therefore stores must implement convenient payment methods like biometrics to maximise this. These changes will make retail stores more distinctive destinations for shoppers, boosting their resilience."
Yeah, right.
Thanks, anyway.
Anything else, kooks?
Well, it will come as no shock to anyone that the dolphins are having nothing to do with this biometric nonsense.
'Ha! They have nothing to do with cash, boss.'
Of course they don't, Voice. If they want mackerel or whatever, they look for it ... they see it, and then they eat it. Simple.
None of them have jobs.
None of them pay rent.
They spend the whole day pissing themselves laughing at human beings - if they can even be bothered to think about us.
'They think about you.'
I know they do.
'The cosmos has tipped them off about you.'
I know, Voice, I know.