Thursday 14 September 2023

I'll just be writing about finance soon

Before I stop writing this blog, you dig? Before I disappear, like.

Just finance.

'When, boss?'



Jesus H. - !!! Can't you read, Voice? I said soon.

'Oh, right.'

Believe it.

'What about the conceptuals?'

They can be about anything, obviously.


Shut up, idiot.

He doesn't understand, kooks.

'Of course I don't. I'm only billions of years old. Don't listen to an idiot like me.'

Shut up.

Anyway ... poetry?

I'm thinking I might be able to achieve my goals by writing a volume of 30+ poems every three or four years, rather than 40+. You dig? It's just that the quality of the nine poems I've already got is much higher than I was expecting, and if I'm not using any filler ...

I'm just saying, man.

I suppose it all depends on how creative I can be, and how much energy I have.

Listen. I know that conceptuals and poems aren't the same, BUT(!) ... writing over eleven hundred of these conceptuals, doing two a week for a decade ... it's not only given me word-power in individual lines, it's also made the thought of writing, say, two or three hundred poems over the rest of my life seem like nothing much to worry about.

Basically, I've done something to my brain. In a literary way. And I didn't even realize I was doing it. Karate Kid shit. I was supposed to be writing songs, remember?

As for songs ... I don't know, man. I think the best policy is to only write songs in the future if I can beat Endless Fun, and then beat the song that beats Endless Fun. Do you know what I mean?

I don't actually need more songs. I probably need a Mick Ronson character or a manager. But I don't know anyone.

Poetry is more exciting at the moment, anyway. And I like how quiet it is. I like how I can withdraw into myself and forget what the time is. I like how desperate I get after I've written the rough draft. I mean, desperate to finish the poem and make it great. I become a madman.

A real poetic madman full of fire.

