Wednesday, 17 January 2024

LSEG Lipper: review of the global ETF industry 2023


Don't get too excited, Voice. We don't know what's going on yet.

Let me have a look ...

Okay, well, Nsikan has done a nice summary for us.

'Nice one, Nsikan!'


Here it is -

The global ETF industry enjoyed overall inflows (+€856.8 bn) for the year 2023.
ETFs domiciled in the U.S. enjoyed the highest inflows (+€585.7 bn) for the year, followed by ETFs domiciled in Ireland (+€129.5 bn) and Luxembourg (+€31.6 bn).
Equity ETFs (+€526.5 bn) enjoyed the highest estimated net inflows for the month, followed by bond ETFs (+€305.9 bn) and money market ETFs (+€19.8 bn).
The best-selling Lipper global classification for 2023 was Equity U.S. (+€273.2 bn), followed by Bond USD Government (+€71.2 bn) and Bond USD Medium Term (+€52.9 bn).
ESG-related ETFs enjoyed inflows of (+€50.3 bn) over the course of 2023.
BlackRock was the best-selling ETF promoter globally for 2023 (+€189.8 bn). It was followed by Vanguard (+€186.0 bn) and State Street Global Advisors (+€88.9 bn).

Okay. And, uh ... oh!

'What, boss?!'

We've got a comment from Detlef.


That's all right, ain't it?

'Where's Lucky though?'

Ha! Well, there's a PDF attachment, Voice, and I presume that our Lucky is screwing around with the English Language inside, the attachment, like.

'Are you going to open it?'

No! I most certainly am not!

Anyway, let's hear from Detlef ...

Detlef Glow, Head of EMEA Research at LSEG Lipper, comments: "2023 was a challenging year for portfolio managers around the globe since the markets were driven by a number of different factors and unpredictable incidents. Each of these could have caused a major market downturn on their own. First of all, there were a lot of geopolitical tensions around the globe beside the still ongoing war in Ukraine, which showed that democratic states might be more vulnerable than one may think. The concerns of investors, especially in Europe, increased towards the end of 2023 since the actions taken by the Houthi rebels in the Red Sea have the power to disrupt the still vulnerable delivery chains in Europe and other parts of the world."

Thank you, Detlef. Just one thing: democratic states? What democratic states?



Do we still have democracy in the world?

'Ha! You're having a laugh, aren't you, mate?'

Yeah, yeah. That's what I thought. Never mind.




'Couldn't we just take a little peek?'

What?! At what?

'At the report, the PDF.'


'But Lucky might be in trouble. He might be drowning in words. He probably is!'

Well, that's his problem, ain't it?
