Tuesday 23 January 2024

Young people need more character

What?! Who says?!

Young people need more 'character education' to succeed professionally, former Education Sec says.

No they don't! Leave those kids alone!

'They're just another brick in the wall, boss.'

Shut up, Voice! I'm handling this.

'Oh, all right.'

England's education and careers system should introduce more 'character' development opportunities - building self-belief, determination, and resilience - to prepare young people for the fast-changing economy, says Baroness Morgan, Chair of The Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC).


Maybe we should bring Jim Morrison in at this point ... ???

"You're all a bunch of -"

No, no. Thanks, Jim.

I mean, he's not very diplomatic, is he? A bit crude, like.

In a paper published by the Social Market Foundation - a cross-party think tank - Baroness Morgan, Chair of the CEC and former Education Secretary, calls for innovative practice in -

I'm not doing all this email.

'Just do the voices.'


Baroness Morgan, Chair of the Careers & Enterprise Company and author of the briefing, says:

"Developing positive character traits is important for young people and employers. Who we are, how we interact with others, the qualities and values we display are fundamental to flourishing in the workplace of the next decade and beyond."

Oh, employers, workplace. I see.

"Performance in a role is only part of the picture. Individuals and organisations thrive when performance is moulded into a positive culture and behaviours founded on firm values that everyone contributes to and connects to communities and wider society."

Performance. Behaviour. No mention of freedom. No mention of individuality. No mention of revolution!

Anyway ...

"We therefore need to support those in the education and careers system in helping develop in their students the character traits and behaviours they will need to succeed in the jobs of tomorrow."

 Human robots!

"As we look to the future, we should pursue opportunities to fuse character and careers to build a rich and rounded education for young people."

And will Erich Fromm's The Fear of Freedom be taught in schools now? Of course not.

Anyway, here's Jamie -

Jamie Gollings, Deputy Research Director at Social Market Foundation, says:

"The last decade has seen a shift to a knowledge-rich curriculum in England, and promotion of more technical skills. The dawn of generative AI has made it clear just how different the workplace and society of the mid-century may be from that today - how this will impact on what knowledge, and which skills, will still be vital is hard to predict."

Ha, ha, ha! Real robots to put the human robots out of work!

That's it. I've had enough.



Anything else, kooks?


Real poetry?

Human thoughts? Human feelings?

Remember that shit, do ya?!

Being human is the ultimate rebellion these days. Not many have the guts for it. But I do!


Yeah, yeah.