Friday 6 December 2013

Who is Brian Chiappinelli?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you. You want ... ? / Okay, I'll tell you. Brian Chiappinelli is a cheerful American chap - I've seen his face - who works at Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management. He's just been named as a director and North American product specialist for private equity - even though he's been working at Deutsche for a couple of months. (They didn't know how to break the news, I suppose.) / Now, that wasn't too painful, was it? But do you believe? Yeah, I mean, this sort of thing is easy to believe, isn't it? / I could tell you things, though, that you wouldn't believe. I'm saving them for later. I'll be taking a closer look at Brian after lunch in a conceptual post, No. 176. Er ... / Why? Quite simply, I want to strip away the mystery of the man. (There's always mystery with guys like Brian.) / Oh, he used to work at HarbourVest Partners. (They make underwear for fishermen. Bizarre! Why was he working for them?!) And he can speak Japanese, which no doubt comes in handy in the Boston area.