Thursday 18 January 2018

Gold vs Bitcoin


As Harry Hill would say.

Oh, this ain't an endorsement, by the way, dear reader(s), but this is an interesting email from The Pure Gold Company ...

The Pure Gold Company has seen a 42% increase in first time investors purchasing gold so far this month compared to the same period in 2017, as renewed concerns over a possible crypto currency crash, geopolitical tensions and uncertainty over Brexit prompt safe-haven sales.

Well, well ... / A lot of people are worried now that Bitcoin is a bubble. 'Ha! What about Mikeycoin, boss?' Mikeycoin is very safe, Voice. I email these little pictures of Mikeycoins to people, and they print them out, and then they spend them - what can go wrong? 'Er ...' Exactly! / Okay. Let's hear from Josh Saul -

Josh Saul, CEO of the investment firm said: "In addition to these underlying worries, the collapse of Carillion this week has impelled financial services professionals to buy gold in greater numbers too. We've seen a 69% rise in sales to people in finance citing fresh concerns over systemic risks caused by the collapse of the UK construction giant. More specifically, sales to investment bankers have risen 32% this week amid fears that businesses connected to Carillion, especially the banks, could be affected by the large amount of debt that is unlikely to be repaid."

Okay, okay. And there's Carillion, and Brexit, as well. 'We shouldn't forget Brexit, boss.' I'll never forget it, man.

One thing though: I remember a few years ago, there were certain journalists who were always against gold and writing articles about it, but then - 'They suddenly switched their attention to Bitcoin.' Yes, thank you, Voice. Be quiet, please. They obviously saw Bitcoin as the bigger threat. So maybe Bitcoin wins any fight with gold. 'A threat to what, boss?!' Ah, a threat, man, to ... the interests in this world that they're protecting. 'Oh, I see.' Yes. Open your eyes, reader(s)! 'Open your ears, too!' Whatever.

Of course, personally, I don't care about gold, Bitcoin, diamonds, hard cash, or anything much in the material world BECAUSE(!!!) ... I'm above it all, you dig? 'Nice one!' Yeah, I'm just saying, for the benefit of people who may be interested in the way the world is. The corruption, the lies, the utter nonsense ...

BUT LET'S NOT DEPRESS OURSELVES!!! It's the end of another week, blog fans(s)!
