Wednesday 27 September 2023

My cunning plan

I'll get where I need to be with poetry. That's it, kooks. I can't do music now with the way things are. Even if things weren't the way they are ... it would still be difficult without a team. I realize that now. You know, a manager, or ... a Mick Ronson right-hand man type. Probably both. Definitely both.


So be it.

It's actually destiny. My astrologer told me, but I wouldn't have it, would I? I thought I knew better.

Never mind.

I can do with poetry something that no one else seems to have thought of. And I can do it slowly ... one poem at a time.

People don't realize ... every poem can be special. Every poem is another chance. Every poem is a spear thrown at Darius.

Do you know what I mean?

And ... I have ten poems now! The latest is the shortest ... only eleven lines ... and I was worried about it: "Is this filler?"

But no! It's not. Sometimes you need to go small, you dig? This poem makes its point powerfully and quickly, and then it's over.

So I'm happy. I'm making progress. I'm a third of the way into my first volume - if I'm only doing thirty poems, that is.

And here's another thing: if there's not one bit of filler in a volume ... it's not much different from a big poem like The Waste Land that stays consistent over a lot of pages.

That's worth considering.

Yeah. I'm full of great ideas at the moment. That's what happens when I focus on something. Anything.

And listen! -

Call me crazy, but I've got to thank Billy for getting me started. Without that dream last Christmas ... there's absolutely no way I would be doing this. Why? It's given me a sense of certainty, and, yes ... of destiny. I have no doubt in me at all. / You have to understand that his new poem was better than any poem he wrote while he was alive. And it really was his poem. If I hadn't recognized Billy's face the way I did, I would have recognized the voice of the poem, the music of the words. It was unmistakable. And combine all that with Seamus smiling and laughing, even though he was being beaten, and badly ... you know? 

Best dream ever, man!
