Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Weijian Shan has raised $1.7 billion for a new PAG Asia Capital fund

It is hard to understand. Weijian Shan is obviously a great man, an immortal genius. This man is a doctor. I might have to see him about my aching heart. I might have to see him about a lot of things. It is the Asia private equity fund, clearly, investing in China. Many of the fund's investors - sovereign wealth funds, public and corporate pension systems, and financial institutions, that sort - are very knowledgeable about Asia. It is understandable, potentially. And I believe I could understand, if I were given a quarter of a chance. Weijian Shan is the chairman and chief executive of PAG Asia Capital. He is a managing partner, as well, of the fund. He used to be a professor. And I think I can trust him. There will be more money. Another $800 million - if everything goes according to plan.

Now, to me. I know I could raise billions of dollars, myself, if I had to, if someone asked me to, as a favour. One has to be charming and persuasive. I could be charming and persuasive - with a gun at their head, or a knife at their throat. The heads of investors, people, their throats. I could take people’s money. It is the easiest thing. You do not need to be a professor. You do not need to be a chairman, or a chief executive. You need to want the money. You certainly need to need the money. You have to have the desire. And you have to want - without a doubt - to want the love. Or, at least, I do. And you need to want to drift[?!]. Like a dead man down the river. Like the sun’s rays coming to earth. Or, even better, like a flower, cut, falling to the ground. It can all happen in slow motion, if you like. [Yes.] Money comes slowly, when it is a flower, a sad, and silent, colourful explosion. Its petals in your face, so incredibly soothing, just like a beautiful death. Well, it is a beautiful death.

Not that Weijian Shan would know. I am presuming he would not know. It is highly unlikely he operates in this fashion. He may be a great man, an immortal genius, but it is a cold greatness, a cold genius, he possesses. I am pretty sure of that. I have never met the man! Oh, I am pretty sure of that. I have never seen his shadow on my wall. I will try to imagine I am pretty sure of that. My memory is not what it was. I cannot remember. His eyes. [It never happened - ?] And those teeth! It was a nightmare, merely. If I could remember, I would not want to. Some things are best forgotten. [If only I were pretty sure of that, or anything, really.] I am half awake, half asleep, and half alive. There is another half, waiting for me. I am in no hurry. Raising money? It is a comedy. It is a tragedy. Why does anyone do it? You have to be wide awake, but I live in dreams. Weijian Shan has never appeared in my reality, for he is a man of the world. It was an hallucination, surely?