Thursday 2 April 2015

Michel Massoud, vibrating in a lonely cosmos?

Yes, I should think so. I mean, I don't see why not. With this new Melqart Asset Management hedge fund of his. 'Melqart, what? Eh?' What's your problem, Voice? 'How is this "Michel Massoud" character vibrating in a lonely cosmos, exactly?!' He used to work at Cheyne Capital, man. 'Oh.' Yeah. He was a partner. Event-driven strategies. Whatever they are. 'Oh. That's all right, then, boss.' Well, I'm glad you approve.

The fund will be launched later ... 'After your cup of tea and slice of Battenberg cake?' No, later, later! Later in the year. Michel isn't ready yet. 'He's like you with your demo!' Don't have a go at him, Voice. He was at Cheyne for nine years. He's probably nervous about going on his own. It's a scary world out there. 'Well, yeah, it's a lonely cosmos.' Of course it is! Michel knows what he's doing.

Update Monday 6th: I'm taking this week off, blog fans. I'll see you again next Monday (13th), probably. / I need a rest, and I'm going to try to record my songs. So, even laters, then.