Monday 27 November 2023


Yeah, yeah. Feeling blank.

Listen! I need a chunk of blank verse. Just before Christmas. That's the best present I could give myself. And the world.

Yes, the world. Because I've decided it's going to be the best chunk of blank verse ever. Thirty-six lines.


You start work on it, my friends, and you don't stop work until it is what I said it will be. Or what you said - if you're doing something of your own, like.

Learn from me, kooks.

'Listen to him!'

If you want ... you can start work on a small poem, and you can finish it ten or twenty years from now. It's up to you. Or a book. Or a painting. And I won't judge you. No! Work as hard as you can. Work as well as you can. Just finish it when the time is right.

Whatever it is, or will be.

'You said before Christmas, Mikey.'

Well, that's what I'm hoping, Voice. I reckon I might be able to get it done by Christmas. But I'll also be working on some small free verse poems. I really need twenty poems by the end of the year, man. And then thirty by March.

Anyway ...

Oh, I'll be writing a conceptual today about a fresh start that doesn't exist. Ha, ha, ha! Were you expecting a PR email this morning?


Don't be too hard on them, Voice. They obviously believed me last week.


But I meant it at the time. That's the thing. But life is ... chaotic.

'Your life!'

Yes, my life.

Listen! When I start my real fresh start, you won't even notice it, kooks. One day, you'll just say to yourself: "Why is he writing about finance all the time in a finance blog? Weird!"

'That'll be the day!'


Listen! Listen to me! My poetry isn't even touched by chaos. This blog is saturated with chaos. But my poetry isn't even touched! Try to imagine that!

Imagine how good that feels!

And the poems are complete. / A song is never complete because there's always the prospect of some session musician improvising a guitar solo over it.

'It may be a very good solo.'

Listen! It may be a great solo! Especially if you've got someone like Mick Ronson hanging around.

You dig?

I hope you understand what I'm talking about, readers, because this shit is important.


Listen -

The best feeling you can have as an artist is to be pure and complete with zero chaos.




Note: I'm writing about chaos in my new poem, BUT(!) ... it's all under control. It's the subject matter, that's all.