Monday 14 October 2013

I've got a feeling I won't be able to concentrate on finance this week ...

I'll give it my best shot though. / It's probably just the Monday morning thing. There's no news, anyway. Well ... / That Royal Mail stuff was a total con, wasn't it? I hope the government's mates are going to repay the favour when they leave power. I mean, fair's fair, eh? 'Yeah.' / Labour say they're going to be tough on welfare if they get in. 'Ha!' What a joke! Where are the fucking jobs, man?! WE WANT JOBS! We don't want idiots talking shit at us.

Well, that's the news taken care of. / I did a bit of recording yesterday. Oh, it didn't work out. There's no point in writing great songs if they sound awful when you record them. I'll have to improve my guitar playing, I suppose. I don't know. (I need a new microphone, or one of those Zoom Handy things.) I'm pissed off with it. 'More hard work, Mikey.' Yeah. / In the old days, I got professional musicians to play on my songs. Can't afford that now. Don't worry about it, reader(s). I'll get it sorted. I'll try again today.

What else is going on? Is anything else going on? / NOTHING(!) else is going on. I could tell you about my lunch. 'They don't want to hear about your lunch, boss.' It's their loss, Voice. / I've got a lovely cheese sandwich, and - never mind. It's your loss, dear reader(s). / The weather is ... I don't even want to ...

I'm just fed up, man. / I might have to put a donations button on this blog. If all my hedgie friends each gave me £10,000 - what's ten grand to them? NOTHING!!! - I could buy a house in St Ives, and I could drink cider all day long and eat pasties. 'That sounds like a plan, man!' It is a plan, man.


By the way ... if another person in the street slams their car door while I'm recording, I'll do a Vinnie Jones on them with the bloody door.