Friday 27 June 2014

A bit of confusion with the BlueHive Opportunities-Global Alpha fund

Just a little bit of confusion, dear reader(s). / Right ... (Give me a minute.) Yeah. Take a look at this LinkedIn profile, man. Well, it's more a ... bit of a ... confusion I have with the hedge fund, BlueHive Capital, the fund that runs the fund, yeah? Asset manager, er ... / I mean, how could BlueHive Capital have been head of ... global alpha at Natixis? How could it do that?! How could it run a team of eight people? It ain't a person, is it? 'No.' But Sebastien Boucher is. He's a person. 'Unless he's a thought-form, Mikey.' Shut up! / Sebastien Boucher reckons he's the founder of BlueHive. 'Ha!' I've been digging into his life though, being all nosy and that, and I've discovered that he's a minor league baseball outfielder who currently plays for the Quebec Capitales. 'Sounds like another hedge fund, boss. Take off the "e" and the "s", and what have you got?' Voice, you've got Quebec Capital! 'Yeah.' Christ! Is this another firm that Sebastien is running on the side? 'Who knows, or cares? Tell us about this Opportunities Alpha Global thing.' The fund? It has $50 million in it. I don't know anything else.


I'll be honest with you, dear reader(s), my head is still in Cornwall. / I've got to do a conceptual this afternoon, No. 228. It'll probably be about Sebastien. And it'll probably be a right mess. So, you'll have to cut me some slack. I'll be back to my normal clear-thinking greatness next week. Everything will be revealed, as Dylan once sang. 'Did he?!' No. He, er, sang ... nothing was delivered. I don't know. Does it matter? I want my cheese sandwich! 'Don't ya tell Henry!' Oh, I won't, Voice. You can be sure of that.