Wednesday 11 June 2014

Have you heard of Point72 Asset Management?

I may go crazy before that mansion on the hill. 'What?!' I'm listening to Van Morrison's Astral Weeks, man. Getting in the mood. 'For what, Mikey?' I'm going away. 'Oh.' But I'll be back. 'Oh.' / Now, this, er, Point72 stuff, it's Stevie's new firm. Stevie Cohen, you know? Some people never give up.

Point72 Asset Management is a "family" office managing the assets of its founder, Stevie Cohen, and certain trustworthy employees. Point72 focuses primarily on discretionary long/short equity investing and makes significant quantitative and macro investments. The firm's long/short investment divisions are Point72 Asset Management and EverPoint Asset Management, and Cubist Systematic Strategies is its quantitative division. The firm is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, and maintains offices in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Boston and New York.

It's old news, of course. But the new thing is, Stevie don't want anyone doing anything no more, a bit like Paulie Cicero in Goodfellas. 'What do you mean, boss?' I mean, instant messaging. His staff can't use that shit. Stevie don't want no more insider trading shenanigans. 'I don't blame him.' And don't speak to him! 'Oh, I won't speak to him, boss.' And don't listen to anything he's being told, and don't - 'Why not?!' He don't want anyone hearing what he's saying, and he don't want anyone listening to what he's being told. 'Christ! Is this guy for real, Mikey?' Voice, he's extremely real. Believe me. Guys don't get more real than Stevie.


Right, So Much For The City.

Lunch? Oh, I don't know, dear reader(s). Cheese sandwich, I suppose. What do you want from me? / After lunch? No. 225. No surprises, man. Just the way I like it ...