Monday 3 June 2019

The world does not notice you


I'm not talking about the temporary world of human affairs. No, no, no. I'm talking about the real world of rocks and grass and trees and plants and sea and sky. This world doesn't notice you, and it will not miss you once you're GONE.

When I visit St Ives, I often sit on my favourite rock and stare at the sea for a few hours. I wonder about the rock. How long has it been there? Hundreds of millions of years? Billions of years? I have no idea. / Obviously, the rock doesn't have much of a life. It can't think, and it can't feel. However, it has more of a future than I do.


Believe it or not, it's better to be fifty than twenty-five. When you're young ... you've got far too many options and far too much time. Being old helps you focus.


I'm listening to the Vance/Musk audiobook again. Why? Because Elon is one of the two people alive who makes sense to me. I'm the other one.


If I were twenty-five again, I would make a serious attempt to become a billionaire. I'm not materialistic. So ... Why?! Two reasons.

1] For the crack. (Craic.)

2] For the power. There is no one in this life who is on your side. You need to protect yourself.


Governments and corporations want to crush you.

Society wants to crush you, too.


Is a possible afterlife comforting in any way? It all depends. The best result would be to lose your identity after death and then merge into God or the Cosmic Power Thing. The worst result would be to continue as yourself and then spend eternity with all the mofos who made your life a misery on earth.


Maybe I shouldn't be so negative.

We all like nice people, or the people who appear to be nice, or the people who promote themselves as being nice.


Oh, I'm not being negative. You will only find one other person alive as positive and motivated as I am.

I've just got a certain way of looking at things, that's all.