Tuesday 25 June 2019

UK SMEs worth £3 trillion - !!!

That's all right, ain't it? 'Who says, boss?!' What?! 'And it all depends on how many SMEs there are.' What do you mean, Voice, who says, and it all depends on how many there are?! MarketInvoice says! 'Yeah, yeah. There might be three trillion small and medium businesses. All worth a pound each. Ha!' Don't be ridiculous! Idiot!

What an idiot!

24th June 2019, London: The latest MarketInvoice Business Insights survey sheds light on company valuations and priorities of UK SME business owners. The survey finds that the typical UK SME is worth more than £2.9m and that company valuation is something that two-thirds (66%) consider to be a huge priority; something they think about all the time.

The typical one is worth £2.9 million, Voice. 'Whatever.' And the owners think about it all the bloody time! Lunatics!

Interestingly, businesses in the education sector whose average valuation is the largest amongst all UK SMEs (at £4m) are the most worried about valuation, with 4 in 5 owners (81%) enduring sleepless nights as a result.

Sleepless nights? Ha! They should try living my life. See how they like that. 'But you sleep really well, boss.' Only because I'm exhausted, man.

In addition to company financials, business owners cited their premises (17%), product (15%) and people (15%) as key factors that contribute to company value. Larger SMEs (by revenue and headcount) were more likely to put emphasis on their premises as the largest component of their valuation, whereas smaller SMEs felt this lay more in their product.

Don't most businesses rent? Never mind. 'Not all, boss.' I didn't say all, idiot! / I don't know, anyway. It doesn't matter. Oh, only 17 percent!

Whilst company valuations are clearly a high priority, less than a third (30%) of businesses increased in value by more than 10% in the last 12 months. Owners ranked a lack of appropriate finance options as the largest hurdle in raising value and growing their businesses. Companies in the engineering, architecture and construction sectors felt this the most. In contrast, companies in the finance sector ranked skills shortages as their greatest hinderance.

Skills shortages in the finance sector? There's not enough financial shamans, obviously. But that's not my fault. I've tried my best. They better not be blaming me. 'I don't think they're blaming you.' They better not be. I'm serious.

Business owners were reluctant to cede control to Dragon's Den-style equity or venture capital investment, with only 6% having used this kind of funding to boost growth and valuation. Rather, more than a quarter (26%) favoured invoice finance, followed by asset-based finance (22%). Only one in ten (10%) would turn to a traditional business loan.

Dragon's Den?! Do me a favour! 'Those comedians!' Exactly!

NOW, uh ... listen! At a time like this, or, uh, times like these, well, moments in time, actually, it would be very nice if Anil Stocker were available to say a few words. Unfortunately, I don't have his phone number. 'Boss - !' Shut up, Voice! Please! Also, I don't have the energy this morning to establish a mind connection with our Anil, or - heaven forbid!!! - a soul connection. It's a real shame, but - 'Boss - !' Shut up! Please! Please!

Fortunately, he says all this stuff here at the end of the - 'PR email, boss. I was just going to say.' Yes, yes. I noticed it. Thank you!

Anil Stocker, Co-founder and CEO of MarketInvoice, commented: "Business owners seem to be driven by company valuation but acknowledge how the right kind of finance can really help drive that number. It is imperative that they stay focused on their product or service offering and ensure the fundamentals are right first. This is as much about managing cash flow and working capital as it is about having the right people in the right roles. A well-oiled business will look after itself. Essentially, getting the basics right will drive their businesses forward and the valuation will take care of itself."

Nice one, Anil!

And that - as they say in the trade - is the ENDS of that!