Tuesday 7 November 2023

I got loads!

Man, I got loads of PR emails! All lined up, ready to go. But I don't even want to look at them. What is wrong with me???

I'm restless. Nothing less than restless.

Listen, listen. If you've got people around you who are negative, and lacking in vision ... that can really damage you. I'm serious. Don't make the mistake of thinking: "I'm all right. Ain't nothing can touch me. Other people's bad vibes don't mean shit." Oh, you're wrong! They can get you. They can mess up your mind. So, you've got to protect yourself, you dig?

Easier said than done, of course.

Anyway, on a more positive note ...

A dead relative came to me in a dream the other night, playing a musical keyboard. Which is funny. Because when he was alive, I told him to get a keyboard - you know, as a hobby, to keep his mind active. But he wouldn't have it. But now he's got a keyboard, apparently, and doing well with it.

Life is damn strange.

'Ain't that the truth!'

Oh, hello, Voice. / Are you looking forward to Christmas?

'Are you, Mikey? That's the question.'

Not particularly, no.

No, no, no.

I think I've reached the stage now where all the events of normal life don't even register with me.

I'm so ooo detached from everything ... except writing poetry. I do this blog because I have to. I haven't touched my guitar for weeks. I hardly watch TV. I'm still watching videos on YouTube. That won't last.

I'm becoming pure because I need to be pure. Listen, listen. Alexander in that film wasn't pure all the time. He was quite often drunk at parties. HOWEVER ... The Battle of Gaugamela, man! That was a big deal. And Oliver Stone did a terrific job of filming it. I mean, I love seeing how obsessed Alexander was with getting to Darius. It's beautiful.

Can't we be like that all the time?

I tell you something, kook: If you can be like that, all the time, you can be surrounded by all kinds of nonsense, and dirt, and ... none of it will hurt you. It will just bounce off you.

Wouldn't that be a beautiful way to live?

That's how we might be able to protect ourselves.