Thursday 6 September 2018

KEPLER-FONDS is the top!

Yes, the top asset manager. 'Who says?' Ha! Scope says, Voice. 'Oh.' Look! -

Austrian fund manager KEPLER-FONDS retained top spot among large asset managers in Scope's second quarter asset-manager ranking. Almost two thirds of its funds have a top rating. Scope defines large asset managers as those with more than 25 rated funds.


Vontobel AM rose the most places among the previous top 10 asset managers. Compared with Q1, Vontobel increased its proportion of top ratings from 48% to 52%. As the average proportion of top ratings in the top 10 fell, this pushed the Swiss asset manager up from ninth to second place.

Well done, Vontobel AM!

Legg Mason made the most significant entry into the top 10, rising from 30th to third in the ranking. Five of its funds were upgraded from (C) to (B) in Q2, hence the asset manager's proportion of top ratings rose from 34% to 50%. Also new in the top 10 are Blackrock and MFS. As a result, Metzler, Robeco and Union Investment no longer rank among the best-rated managers.

Comgest regained the top spot among small asset managers, having lost its number one position in Q1 to rank third. Its proportion of top ratings rose from 71% to 82% in Q2. Small asset managers are those with fewer than 25 but more than eight rated funds) and fell to third place.

In second and third place are US asset managers Wellington Management and T. Rowe Price, which significantly improved their proportion of top ratings. Wellington Management increased its ratio from 70% to 78%, while 68% of the funds from T. Row Price now have top ratings, compared with 64% in Q1.

In Q2, Flossbach von Stroch returned to the top 10. Its proportion of top rankings rose from 50% to 60%. As a result, the investment company from Cologne returned to 7th place. Lupus Alpha, Dimensional and First State also broke into the top 10. No longer among the top 10 among small asset managers are SKAG (14th), MEAG (12th) and J O Hambro (31st).

Okay, okay. Not bad. [SKAG?! Whatever.] BUT(!) ...

Scope rates 6,000 investment funds (UCITS) authorized for distribution in the German market, managed by more than 300 asset managers (KVGs). The ranking sorts the asset managers according to their proportion of funds with a top rating. One third of funds evaluated by Scope currently have a top rating (8.2% are rated A; 25.8%, B). Asset managers are considered above average when more than a third of their funds possess top ratings.

Are they only talking about the German market? 'Er ...' I guess we'll never know. 'Why not?! Why will we never know, boss?' Because this is the last post of the week. I'm knackered, and I don't want to do any more work. 'Oh.' So there!


Anything else? Other news? Christ! Well, it turns out that the "plan" for our no deal Brexit national suicide has a codename now: Operation Yellowhammer. That's exciting, isn't it, dear reader(s)? Of course, if we weren't ruled by utter fucking morons we could call the whole thing off and remain a wealthy, successful, and civilized member of the European Union. 'That's not how we do things in Great Britain, Mikey! We're going to rule the waves again!' Shut up, man! FFS! You're not even British, Voice. What are you, Native American? 'I don't know, boss. Maybe.' Yeah. Coming over here, taking the jobs of good, honest British spirit guides. Go home! You're not wanted here. / Jesus! What's happening to me?

Has he gone?

Voice? Voice? Come back!

Well, have a nice weekend, reader(s). Laters. 'Bye!' Ha!