Wednesday 5 July 2023

A vision of poetry

I'm thinking about my first volume of poetry, kooks. I've got 4 poems, man. I want 44. I want 22 of them to be medium length, like the one I put in the competition. I want 20 to be short, that's up to 20 lines. Medium is 21 to 50 lines. I want two big poems, free verse ones, over 80 lines up to 120 or even 150 lines.

Oh, roughly, not exactly.

It may seem strange thinking about it like this, BUT(!) ... the thought of writing a GREAT volume of poetry can be daunting.

Where do you even start???

Well, you write four poems that have the right quality, and then you try to imagine what the other forty poems will be like.

44 poems is only a matter of time.

After I've writen one volume ... I can do a second one, and then a third one ... within ten years.

The recent disruption to my life has made me angry. That's more fuel for writing. I only need ten years. I can build after that. But I only need ten years for the basic achievement. And I can become known one poem at a time ... magazines and competitions, you dig?

Music??? I don't know. I'll stop blogging soon, but ... maybe I'll take a year off music. This time next year I might be settled in Cornwall. Who knows?!

Listen! I'm angry enough to become the greatest poet ever. That's real anger. Anger is fire in your head, man.

My poems are super polished and concentrated, and powerful. My conceptuals are free and easy fun. Completely different literature.

I won't leave a poem alone until it has two or three really great lines in it.

I hate time just slipping away. But you can live a life in ten years. Alexander lived a life in ten or twelve years, you dig?

John Lennon lived a life in seventeen years, 1963-1980.

Sometimes - you must know this - you're just not living. You're existing. You're doing what other people want you to do. You're being exploited. You're being made a fool of.

When the world takes the piss, son, daughter ... get angry!

And you've got to be aware ... maybe you don't realize that the world is taking the piss most of the time.

The world can't help it.

So fight back!

Good night.