Monday 10 July 2023

Poetry versus music

And as Harry Hill would say: FIGHT - !!!

'What is this nonsense, boss?'

Er ... it's not nonsense, Voice. It's a post about poetry and music.

'Where are the bloody PR emails?!'

They're in the bloody PR folder.


But don't worry, my little invisible friend, this is the last time I will be writing about poetry or music.

'Oh, okay.'

Right ... fight!

Listen, kooks, it's a real shame that I don't have a music partner like Paul McCartney, or even Mick Ronson, you dig?

It's harder than ever to do music on your own ... these days ... when you consider the costs of a music career.

I mean, I was reading in the Guardian last week -

'Another depressing article about the music business?'

That's right. I was reading that a lot of British artists can't even afford to tour in the UK any more. Forget about the rest of the world. They can't tour their own country!

The good thing about poetry is ... you can do it on your own ... quite cheaply ... without partners, or a band, or a manager, or -

'There's no money in poetry, boss.'

Ah, well, that's where you're wrong, idiot - if you've got plans like me.

'Okay. What are your plans then?'

To do poetry readings in stadiums - just like a rock star.

'Ha, ha, ha! You're crazy! Fucking crazy! No one's going to be interested in that.'


'Tell me then!'

All right. Ten years from now, when I'm the greatest poet that has ever lived, the greatest poet in five thousand years, well, use your imagination ...

'You're crazy!'

Tell me I'm wrong, Voice. Tell me it won't work. And don't forget ... the book sales, for the greatest ever poet. Yeah?

'You're just crazy.'

I know I'm crazy, idiot. But tell me I'm wrong. You can't. Because you know I'm right.


Alexander said, "There is nothing impossible to him who will try." And just think: who have I got in my corner?

'The cosmos.'

That's right. Who else?

'The ghost of W. B. Yeats.'

That's right. When things got messed up for me around last Christmas, I had that dream, didn't I?

'Yeats sprang into action as soon as he became aware of your situation.'

Exactly! And he must have spoken with the cosmos on my behalf. Yeats is obviously a big player now in ... another life, another realm, you dig?

Plato's ghost was a cretin.


And that's something I've always said, kooks. If you can achieve great things during your time on earth, the cosmos will notice, and you will be promoted to a higher position after death.

Trust in the cosmos! Trust in yourself!

'Nice one!'

Get to work, kooks!

COME ON - !!!


No, hang on! Some poetry news -

I've entered that free verse poem into the competition, too.


Yeah. I'm very pleased with it. I mean, it's as good as the "traditional" one. Maybe even better, though it has less words.

Those two poems and On the island are my three best. I might not publish Owlman and the other small poem.

Anyway ...

