Wednesday 19 July 2023

Anything else?


I've got a PR email about vampires.


I'll do it next week, Voice.

Anyway ...

Instead of putting 40+ poems in each volume, it might be better to put thirty poems in each volume, BUT(!) ... make sure that three or four of those poems are BIG(!) free verse poems.

I mean, if I had ten or twelve poems like the "masterpiece" I'm presently working on, well ...


It's like I said about Eliot. That's what he should have done ... and don't mention Four Quartets, please! Or Ash-Wednesday. FFS.

You know what I think great poetry is, kooks.

'Er ... Big Wednesday, boss?'

No, idiot. Point Break.

'Oh, okay.'

Anyway, I'll see how it goes. It all depends on how much time, energy, and inspiration I have in the future.

A lot depends on the beaches and the cliffs, you dig?

'And the Owlman. If he leaves you alone. Or helps you.'

Shut up.

I'll just say ...

Those 1,100 conceptuals have been a great warm-up for the writing of free verse poems.

They're different, obviously, but also similar. It's all about writing individual lines, you dig?

Anyway ...

I can't tell you the title of this poem.

It's too big for competitions, and might be too big for magazines - as an unknown poet.

Maybe - one day, when??? - I could send two small poems to a magazine, and put this big one in third place.

Or ... I could try to win a competition first. Maybe with those two other poems. I don't know.

This poem has definitely made a difference to my life though. I've just got to complete the final section. Maybe tomorrow night I'll quickly write a hundred lines. Just rough stuff.

Or Friday night.


I might be busy tomorrow.


Shut up.
