Tuesday 8 August 2023

"Art and money" or "If you can imagine doing something, you can do it"

Those are the two titles for this post, dear reader(s). Take your pick!

Anyway ...

My big poem is the best and most satisfying piece of art I've created in my life.

But I need money ...

What can I do???

'You can write eleven more poems of a similar nature, Mikey ... and then you can recite them in stadiums.'


Thank you, Voice.

I was thinking, you see, I can write a dozen poems like that in my "career", in my life.

"Oh, maybe I'll have those poems one day, maybe twenty years from now."

'Eh? Who's that?!'

That was me thinking, Voice.

'Oh, ha ... nice one!'

Yeah. But the thing is ... if you can imagine doing something, you can do it ... and you don't have to wait twenty years.

It can be done in one year.


Oh yes.

Of course, I feel exhausted now, after writing that BIG poem. It was easy-ish writing it, but afterwards ...

It just takes something out of your soul, you dig?

Never mind.

The point is ...

What is the point???

The point is ...

I need more time, and more energy.

And then I'll be able to get the money to stay alive.

That's the theory.

Anyway ...


I don't know, man.


Poetry! Maybe life on the cliffs and beaches, and in the lanes ... will be the best situation ... if I can cope with the suffering.

I need a pure life with no distractions.

Modern life has been designed by the elites to distract you, my friend(s). Oh yes. Take my word for it.

You doubt it?

Ha, ha, ha!

How can you doubt it?

They don't want you having what they have.

'And they want what you have.'

That's right.

You may just have a few coins in your pocket, kook(s), and an apple for lunch, but ...

'All those coins, all those apples, from billions of people ...'


Anyway ...

I want small poems, too.

'And more songs.'

And more songs.

BIG songs, and small songs.

I haven't got the time.
I haven't got the energy.

'But you've got the genius, son. Come on - !!!'

Yeah, yeah.

I can write two of those big poems a year.
I can put four in a volume, supported by smaller poems.
I can imagine.

And down with depression!
And down with anxiety!
Let's enjoy ourselves!

I can see visions!

