Wednesday 18 December 2013

Duncan Goodwin has joined Barings Bank - (?!)

Amazing! ('Baring Asset Management, boss.' Shut up, Voice.) After all these years, people still want to work for a bank that doesn't exist. I just can't understand it. Duncan Goodwin has left a perfectly good job at Martin Currie. Ha! This fantasist reckons he's going to be the head of global resources at Barings.

I spoke to Duncan on the phone earlier: 'Mikey, great news, eh? (What, you're going to be working for a bank that went out of business in 1995?) Er, asset ... (Duncan, mate, I think you're having some sort of breakdown. Maybe you should go back to Martin Currie.) But, Michael, they've made me head of global resources! (Who have?) Barings. (No they haven't!) I think you better speak to Tim Scholefield. (Who the hell is Tim Scholefield?!) He's my boss at Barings. (Oh, for Christ's sake!) Listen to this, I'm reading from a statement, "Global resources is a key capability for Barings and I am pleased to welcome Duncan to lead the team. His experience and expertise will ensure that we continue to strengthen our investment proposition for clients." What do you make of that, eh? (Duncan, be honest with me, and yourself, there is no Tim Scholefield, is there?) Of course there is! (How are you feeling, within yourself, like?) All right. (A lot of people get depressed at Christmas, you know.) I'm not depressed, Mikey! (I don't know what to suggest, Duncan.) There's nothing wrong with me!!!'

Oh, it's sad. Incredibly sad. / I just wish I had more time. I mean, I got into this business to help guys like Duncan. Maybe I'll take him out for a drink after Christmas. / Fuck! This is what finance does to people. You think you're healthy, and happy. You've got a bit of money put away, a nice house, a nice car. Then your whole world falls apart and you're staring into the abyss.