Monday 8 June 2020

Investors fear ...

What do they fear? 'They probably fear all sorts of things, boss.' Yes, Voice. Yes, Voice. But fear is a killer.

Have no fear!

Anyway ...

Investors fear they will be worse off as a result of The Thing.

Christ! Is that news? Everyone will be worse off, son. 'Who are you talking to?' The PR guy. 'Where is he?' In his office probably. I don't know.

FJP Investment has commissioned an independent survey of more than 850 UK-based investors to uncover how The Thing has affected their financial strategies. It found: 38% of investors believe they will be in a worse-off financial position by the end of 2020 then they were at the start of the year.

Well, that means 62 percent are laughing then. 'Laughing all the way to the bank.' Yes. It's all right for some.

This compares to 29% who think they will end the year in a stronger position.

Oh, okay. Only 29 percent are truly laughing. 'That's all right.' It could be worse, Voice. It could be a lot worse.

44% are revising their investment strategies due to record-low interest rates.


This figure jumps to 56% for those aged between 18 and 35.


32% of investors are confident the financial market will quickly recover following The Thing.


42% are satisfied with the way the government has handled The Thing outbreak.

Ha, ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha! Ha, ha - 'Are you going to stop laughing, boss?' No. Never! 'But you're not a laughing boy. You're not one of the 29 percent, man.' I don't care. Ha, ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha! Ha, ha ... uh.

Oh, I've worn myself out.

Uh. Christ. There's a lot of this email. I think I'll go to the voice now. 'Okay, well -' Not you, idiot! Jamie! 'Jamie?! Who the fuc -' Jamie Johnson! He's the CEO of FJP Investment. 'The CEO, eh? If you say so.' Look at this -

I mean, Listen -

Jamie Johnson, CEO of FJP Investment, said: "Investors are clearly concerned by the immediate impact The Thing is having on their investments and savings. Fluctuating financial markets and record-low interest rates are pushing and pulling investors in different directions, forcing them to reconsider their strategies.

"Interestingly, though, the long-term outlook is generally positive. Many investors are confident the market will bounce back once The Thing has been resolved, with some looking to take advantage of undervalued assets such as stocks and shares which are likely to recover in price.

"What's more, while talk of Brexit may have largely subsided for now, it is evidently still playing on the minds of investors. The process of negotiating a withdrawal from the EU will be of immense importance for the UK and should not be overlooked in the months ahead."

Thanks, Jamie!



Anything else?

Have no fear. Yes, I suppose fear is a killer. It probably saves a lot of weak people though.

If you dip your toe in the water, will you get eaten by a shark?

Maybe strong people stay out of the water. Have no fear, but ... take calculated risks? Know what you're getting into?

Oh, how can you know?

Focus helps. You've got to focus.

Like Elon with his cars and rockets, I have two things. But I dream of having one thing only. That day will come. Of course, Duchamp had art and chess. But I think art was his main thing.

And ...

Control yourself. That's great advice! I need to take it.

Easier said than done ...