Thursday 10 December 2020

Batteries again

By the way, kook(s), they normally send me two emails ... one in English, and one in German. 'Who sends you two emails, boss?!' The battery people, Voice. 'Oh.'

Unfortunately, I can't speak German no more. I've forgotten it all. The only thing I know now is ... Auf wiedersehen, pet.

Anyway ...

BAAR, Schweiz - (7. Dezember 2020) - Die Blackstone Resources AG freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass die Schweizerische Innovationsagentur Innosuisse ihren Zuschussantrag genehmigt hat und 50 Prozent des Entwicklungsprojekts in Höhe von CHF 1.3 Mio. finanzieren wird. Diese Förderzusage hilft bei der Finanzierung der Entwicklung von Festkörperelektrolyten und dient zudem der Entwicklung einer anspruchsvollen Fertigungssimulation 4.0 von 3D-gedruckten Festkörperbatterien.

Oh, that's the wrong one! 'Idiot!' Shut up! Idiot! Idiot! 'All right, all right.' / Here we go ...

BAAR, Switzerland - (December 7, 2020) - Blackstone Resources AG is pleased to announce that the Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse has approved its grant application and will fund 50 percent of the CHF 1.3 million development project. The project aims to develop solid-state electrolytes and the grant will be used to co-finance a sophisticated manufacturing simulation of 3D-printed solid-state batteries.

Yeah, that's better. 'Ha! Not for your German readers it ain't.' I don't have many German readers.

Okay, okay. Where's the rest of it? ...

Ein Forschungskonsortium, bestehend aus Blackstone Resources (BLS), der Eidgenössischen Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt (Empa) und der Berner Fachhochschule (BFH), wird die von der Empa entwickelte Synthese von Festkörperelektrolyten hochskalieren.

Die zu entwickelnde Festkörperbatterie kann wiederholte, zuverlässige und sichere Entladungen ermöglichen, ohne dass bei häufigem Gebrauch die Gefahr einer thermischen Entladung, einer Explosion oder Ausgasung besteht. Damit kann sie in Bereichen und Konstruktionen eingesetzt werden, die für andere Batterietypen bisher undenkbar waren. Dies eröffnet eine breite Palette von Anwendungen.

What?! 'That's German.' I know!

These activities correspond closely with Blackstone's latest press releases on the progress to date made by Blackstone Technology GmbH in Döbeln, Germany - a subsidiary of Blackstone Resources. The company has passed a number of milestones through its research and development programmes for both solid-state and 3D-printing battery technologies. Combined with Blackstone's access to battery materials, these disruptive ventures form a solid basis for the company to deliver competitive cell production in Europe.

About: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa)

Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, is an interdisciplinary Swiss research institute for applied materials sciences and technology. As part of the ETH Domain, it is an institution of the Swiss Federation.

Er ... that's better. 'No it's not. You've copied and pasted the wrong bit.' No I haven't. 'Yes you have.' Do you speak German, Voice? 'No, but I was watching you. And I can see it's different.' Christ.

Reader(s), I can't fix it now. 'Just get that bit there.' What bit? 'That bit.'

The industrial production of the next generation of lithium-ion batteries with solid-state electrolytes is based on the production of electrodes from Blackstone's own 3D-printing process. To scale up production based on a solid scientific foundation, BFH will contribute its know-how in production simulation and optimisation. Once implemented, the aim is to manufacture battery cells for less than EUR 80 per kWh.

'That's not it.'




Anything else? Music?

Man, sometimes I get fed up with all this writing, BUT(!) ...

This blog will really help me with my music career because it will give me "depth" as a "character". Do you know what I mean?

If I release a debut album of twelve songs ... that's fifty-two minutes of music, and a few hundred words in the lyrics.

There will be no depth to that.

However, here in this blog ... there's over a million words of normal posts, and, uh ... two million in the conceptuals?

[I don't know. I've got a Word file on my other laptop. It's over three million all together.]

You see?


Oh, that Purple Rain film? I reckon it gave Prince a lot of depth and made him a legend overnight.

Apparently, David Bowie and Mick Jagger saw it together at the cinema, and they were really jealous.



'Auf wiedersehen, kook!'

