Tuesday 11 October 2022

From a trillion miles away

If you take sides - when you're there - you don't see reality.

You don't understand reality. Although some people are arrogant enough to say that they do see, and they do understand.

These people can't be like aliens or ghosts. They are right in the mess, and making the mess even worse with their stupid opinions - and actions.



Everything is a speck of dust.

Can't see what's happening on that speck. Anything could be happening. Bodies could be doing this or that. Voices could be saying this or that. It's impossible to tell. And that's a good thing because ...

No sensible soul wants to know.


If that reality ... disappears, it doesn't matter from a trillion miles away. Might not even be noticed at first. And when it is noticed ... "Oh, it's gone."

Never mind.

There are other realities.

How many?

A lot. A hell of a lot. More than can be counted. And what are they worth??? Probably not a lot.

It's just a lot of time and a lot of energy for nothing.


A lot!

Maybe we could do with less.



It's hard to look at all the "things" and not come to the conclusion that the cosmos has got a terrific sense of humour.

But, but, but ... you have to be strong and even a bit cold ... to laugh along. Does any soul understand?


It's all entertainments for hard minds.

And it might be better to cry, actually. But ...

Would that be weakness?


This has been written a trillion miles away, my friend. At least.

But I'm coming back ...

I'm coming back to you.

Because I love you - for some reason.

Never mind.