Tuesday 7 February 2023

Because I'm running out of time ...

I may have to use the best version of Shady, Dodgy, Shifty that I am able to record this week.

Which is a bit upsetting, man.

I'll do the best I can, obviously.

My fingers have strange grooves in them, the tips, because of all the playing, and the cold makes it awkward to hold the strings down to get a decent sound.

My nerves are bad ...

Maybe I can wait two weeks ...

And I may have to quit this blog soon ... I don't know. And that could be the last you ever hear of me, kooks.

Unless I become a rock and roll star.


Those are my two options: rock and roll star or just nothing.

At least with nothing ... I'll be by the sea for a while, waiting for my friends the dolphins to come and collect me.

Do you know what I mean???

It's not great, all this.

The way things have turned out.

But at least it's different.

I am different.

Do you understand?

How much of a kook are you, exactly?

Never mind

I'm not judging you

and never ever soul

it doesn't even matter

with billions of years already gone

and a lot more to come

billions of years, oh yes

because time goes on forever with or without us

you know that, right?

and I'm sure you'll be joining me sooner or later

and I will show you the ropes

of how to get on, yes

in a vast universe where you can travel anywhere you like in no time - being pure spirit of course

so what's not to like???

probably quite a lot

but we must try to like it

all of it

it would be a terrible shame to suffer holding on to a reality here that no longer exists

I'll be there

you'll be there

it might be all right actually

I think we should hope for the best

I always hope

it's a habit.


If I fall

like a cosmic feather


will I be caught, and saved?


Poetry at a time like this!