Thursday 9 February 2023

It's me again

Hello, kooks!

I'll do the Refinitiv PR email on Monday. I want to write about music now.

Recording my songs is a bigger nightmare than I thought it would be. Obviously, the cold is a problem. It messes up my fingers, and even makes the guitar sound horrible. My nerves aren't great either. The main problem though is all the bloody noise outside. There is another room I could record in, which is a bit more protected from the street, but it's uncomfortable in there. I'm not sure about the acoustics. And there's mould on the walls!

Rehearsal room? I've only been to a rehearsal room once in my life, and I was lucky that time because no other bands or artists were there. It was quiet, and I actually made a video of me playing my songs on guitar and piano. It was done quite professionally by two video people. This was when I was twenty. Yeah! Maybe I had more confidence in those days. I don't know.

So maybe I can try a rehearsal room again for a few hours ... ???

I made two recordings of This Love earlier. I haven't listened to them yet. / Maybe I should just go in the mouldy room for a whole day and see what happens ...

I've got a decent recording of Mighty Soul, but I really want and need Shady, Dodgy, Shifty on my demo, too. / Yesterday, I was having doubts about my songs, like I sometimes do. "Oh, they're not good enough!" Blah, blah, blah. Then I started to read about some big name group which I won't name. Apparently, they had a classic song/hit, just four or five years ago. A song I've never heard. I went to YouTube to look for it, and I read the comments first. People were saying that it's the best song of a generation, and a masterpiece. Blah, blah, blah. "Wow!" [That's me speaking, not the Voice.] Anyway, I played the song, and I thought to myself ... "This is pretty good." And that's it. That's all I thought. Mighty Soul and Shady, Dodgy, Shifty will just destroy the present music scene - if people ever hear them. So, yeah, I started feeling okay again. Confident!

It's just my moods, man.

'We all know about your moods, Mikey.'

Hello, Voice.

'Who was that speaking just then?'

Ha! That was me, idiot.

Anyway ...

I think the recording of Round the Bend is a great recording. That's why it's got to be on the demo, even though it's only my fifteenth best song.

Okay, okay.



