Wednesday 15 February 2023

Last post of the week

'Is it the weekend already, Mikey? Yippee!'

Shut up!

I've done all my blogging early so I can spend more time on my music. 'Oh.' Let's hope I don't have any distractions.

It's definitely warmer, but we don't know how long it will last, do we? 'Make hay while the sun shines!' Exactly!

The Sweeney is on! One of my favourite episodes, Trojan Bus. 'He's got a bloody rifle!' Ha, ha, ha! Nice one, Voice. You know the script.

Anyway ...

Listen, kooks, I'll settle for one decent recording of Shady, Dodgy, Shifty. Anything else will be a bonus, you dig?

It's disturbing that the best songwriter in the world is having so much trouble with recordings, BUT(!) ...

It's the story of my life, ain't it?

I always struggle.

Never mind.

'We'll laugh about this one day. In Malibu.'

You reckon?

The way my nerves are going, I don't know.

Well ...

I've had my chips, anyway. I had them early. And a pickled onion. 'A pickled onion?!' Yeah. And some bread. 'Wow!'

Yeah. I really know how to live.

I haven't been drinking any lager, lately. Cutting back. I suppose it's good for my weight. 'How much do you weigh now?' Less. 'How much less?' My jeans keep falling down. I have to really tighten the belt.

Health. Fitness.

I'm not even thinking about that stuff at the moment. Too much on my mind. Serious shit, you dig?

I'll probably do some dumbbells in the morning.

I'm not watching Minder.

I might put some music on.

Anyway ...

