'Oh, they must love you, boss!'
Yeah, they do.
Anyway ...
The global ETF industry enjoyed overall inflows (+€83.6 bn) for February 2024.
ETFs domiciled in the U.S. enjoyed the highest inflows (+€51.4 bn) for the month, followed by ETFs domiciled in Ireland (+€11.3 bn) and Canada (+€5.1 bn).
Equity ETFs (+€56.9 bn) enjoyed the highest estimated net inflows for the month, followed by bond ETFs (+€19.2 bn) and alternatives ETFs (+€8.5 bn).
The best-selling Lipper global classification for February 2024 was Equity U.S. (+€27.3 bn), Bond USD Medium Term (+€10.1 bn), and Equity Global (+€8.2 bn).
ESG-related ETFs enjoyed inflows of (+€5.6 bn) over the course of February.
Vanguard was the best-selling ETF promoter globally for February (+€22.0 bn). It was followed by BlackRock (+€13.8 bn) and JPMorgan (+€6.1 bn).
Active/Semi Active ETFs enjoyed inflows of (+€20.5 bn) for the month.
And there's no need to look at the PDF because ... we've got Detlef with some comment, ha, ha, ha!
'Ha, ha, ha!
'Ha, ha, ha!
'Ha, ha, ha!'
That's enough, Voice. Really.
Detlef Glow, Head of EMEA Research at LSEG Lipper, comments: "Commodities Precious Metals witnessed outflows despite the bull market in gold, while the Bitcoin ETFs (to be found in Alternatives Currency Strategies) enjoyed further inflows. Even as it can't be proved by hard facts that ETF investors sell gold and buy crypto, this flow trend leaves room for this kind of speculation.
"This assumption doesn't appear to be totally wrong, since some investors do see gold as alternative currencies and may now diversify their portfolio by additionally investing into bitcoin."
What about Mikeycoin?
Oh, he's gone.
'Never mind, boss.'