Thursday 6 August 2015

Who is Panagiotis Koutsogiannis?!

Panagiotis Koutsogiannis is Pete the Greek. 'What?! Who?! Who is Pete the Greek, boss?' Pete the Greek is Panagiotis Koutsogiannis, Voice. And Panagiotis Koutsogiannis is Pete the Greek. Simple! 'We could go a-ROUND like this all day, Mikey. Please, tell us. Who is he?' Okay. Well, our Panagiotis, or Pana as I like to call him - 'Pana? Just call him Pete, man.' All right, our Pete is a former UBS trader whom the FCA thought was mixed up in the Libor-rigging scandal with Tom Hayes. 'Oh.' Oh yeah. But don't get upset. They haven't got any evidence against him, so he won't be charged. 'Oh, what a relief! So ... what's Pete going to do now?' Well, if he has any sense, Voice, he's already out of the finance game, which is a mug's game - as you know, and, er ... he's practicing his guitar. 'Has he got a guitar?' If he has any sense, our Pete does have a guitar, yes. I mean, I would hope so. I would expect him to have a guitar, after my example, you dig?

Of course, not everyone in finance reads this sweet blog o' mine. [It's really a cult thing for mystic kooks. YOU(!)] But all the best financiers read it, so ... I don't have any complaints. 'Financiers? It sounds sleazy, boss.' That's just your dirty mind!


Like a Rolling Stone ... that's what I'm listening to RIGHT NOW, a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND. 'Nice!' It's not jazz, man.

There's a flaw/mistake in the recording. If you listen to it with headphones, Dylan's voice seems to move away from the microphone at the beginning of the song. No big deal. It must have been the excitement of the moment, as it were/was. In fact, Dylan was so excited after recording the song that he played it to his friends all night long. He obviously realized that it was a new thing in music: the invention of serious, modern rock.

Alas, there's nothing more that can be invented. Everything has been tried. There is only one way forward: to write songs of a higher quality than have ever been written before. It won't be new. However, it could be great.


No. 338. After lunch, yet another conceptual. Something new in literature. Oh, it can be done!