Sunday 23 February 2020

A fresh start

From tomorrow. Yes. Today? I eat, drink, and ... whatever. For tomorrow, I change.

Ha, ha, ha!

Ha, ha, ha!

Ha, ha, ha!

Yes, yes. You've heard it all before, dear reader(s), but I'm serious now. I need to do it. I can't stomach the way things are no more.

Oh, this is for my benefit, this post. But I want it here, on this blog. One day, I'll look back at it ... and laugh, or cry, or just sigh. I don't know. Maybe I'll feel proud. Stranger things have happened at sea.

Right. I need discipline in my blog writing. I mean, no more personal stuff, no more music updates. The conceptual posts can continue as they are because no one really knows what I'm getting at in those posts. / The problem is ... what will I actually write about in my regular posts? Finance, in more detail? Extended conversations with the Voice? Christ. I know I don't want to go back to the blood and fire. So, it's going to be difficult.

Okay, okay. My work life? One hundred-hour weeks. Yes. Consistently. I've got to do it. I can have my birthdays off, and a couple of days at Christmas. I can go to Cornwall once a year. I can walk to Richmond and back once a week. (That's only three hours.) However, I don't want to hear any silly talk of work/life balance. Please, no! It sickens me, frankly.

Music business. Okay. Okay. Okay. Which brings me to my, uh ... musical goals. They will be achieved or I will die. That's it. I'm fifty years old. Dying when you're twenty is a tragedy. But it's merely unfortunate when you're my age. So my commitment is total. And no fear. No fear at all.

Jesus! If only you could see my face now, dear reader(s). Grim doesn't even begin to describe it.

I'll smile again when there's something to smile about.

