Tuesday 11 May 2021

Music and fitness

That's what I'm writing about today.

Okay, okay.

Music? Forget about the Life and Death lyric for now. Who am I talking to? Me! I need to write the Mighty Soul lyric as soon as possible. And ... it needs to be really good, you dig?

I reckon this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to write the ultimate rock song. And it will guarantee a deal if it's done right BECAUSE(!) ... even though I think the greatest songs are normally ballads, I realize that upbeat, catchy rock or pop songs are better at grabbing people's attention. And that's what you need on the internet. I mean, it's just the way the internet is.

Alas, I have no lyrical ideas at the moment ...

Of course, ideas come when you're actually working, BUT(!) ... I don't know. Don't worry about it, kooks!

'They worry too much, boss.'

I know, Voice, I know. See you tomorrow. 'Bye!'

Yeah, yeah.

Dumbbell exercise? Well, it's been three months, but I think the last two or three weeks have been the most effective. / After a bit of research on YouTube, I've discovered that the best thing to do is ... "explode" in the first half of the rep, and then slow down in the second half to put pressure on your muscles. So, that's what I've been doing. I've been building more muscle, and I've even lost a couple of pounds - even though I'm still stuffing my face with doughnuts and cookies. 'Christ!' Yes, Voice. That will have to stop. But, uh ... it's your day off, you know? 'Bye!'

Yeah, yeah.

Has he gone?

Oh ... here's Yoni playing One. / Nice one, Yoni!

Okay, okay.

What else? You want more else, dear reader(s)? You're insatiable!

Sadly, that baby whale has been put down in Richmond. How did it even get in the river?!

Maybe I won't have to go to the dolphins. They might come to me.

Anyway ...

That's your lot!
