Monday 7 February 2022

It's afternoon

Yeah, yeah, I got PR emails. I'll take a look at them tomorrow - if you don't mind.

I went for a walk this morning. Knackered myself out again. I don't know why. Never mind, eh?

Anyway ...

Music? This will be the demo (probably) -

Shady, Dodgy, Shifty
Mighty Soul

... with Mighty Soul pinned to the top of my Twitter.

I've decided to include Nothing because it shows off my lyrical skills. The other three songs are very commercial and should do the trick with the major labels - or I'll just jump into the sea. Do you know what I mean?

Also, I might get rid of my music blog and just link directly to my YouTube channel from Twitter.

Fitness? Man, those 10kg dumbbells are heavy! 'Well, what did you think they would be, boss?' Er, I don't know, Voice. A bit lighter.

I only did 150 reps on Friday, in half an hour, and it was too hard on my body. With the old 3kg ones, I could do 500 reps in that time and not feel a thing.

I suppose that means I'm going up to the next level. But I'll be careful at first. Maybe only do 100 reps a day, three times a week. You dig?

I did 100 this morning. It was all right.

Sleepy? Yes, I'm feeling sleepy. How did you know? I didn't get much sleep last night, and I kept having weird dreams - mainly about the two lamps in my bedroom. FFS! It's musical dreams I need!

Snacks? I'm having a snack tonight. Some KP salted peanuts, and a can of Kronenbourg. There's loads of protein in the peanuts, which is good for muscles. 'What's the lager good for?' Shut up.

I deserve a treat.

Thoughts? Everything in the world seems so temporary. Well, it is. That's why, even if you're thinking of becoming a rock star, you've got to build a relationship with the cosmos. And that means throwing all your programming in the bin. If you've been programmed, that is. I never have been. Not even when I was a kid. I knew everyday life was bullshit, mostly. Adults used to tell me stuff. How to live, etc. Even when I was seven or eight, I was thinking to myself: "These guys are real jokers."

Do you know what I mean?


'Laters, kooks!'


Shady, Dodgy, Shifty
Mighty Soul
