Tuesday 15 February 2022

What would be the perfect fresh start?

I keep trying to come up with some magical combination that will -

1] Keep me motivated

2] Not knacker me out

It's difficult, man.

I think the Xavier Rolet thing of Monday to Friday, being active every spare moment, with weekends off ... is the best way to work.

BUT(!) ... working in silence, without YouTube videos or music is a mistake. 'But you don't want distractions, boss. And you don't want your mind wandering all over the place.' I know, Voice, I know.

I listened to the Being John Lennon audiobook yesterday, for the first time in ages, AND -

That might be the solution (again). It takes me away from the mundane world ... into a world where anything is possible. You dig?

That's some real motivation. So, I might only listen to that, Monday to Friday, while I'm working - and then do whatever I feel like doing at weekends.


The guitar?

The guitar is a bottomless pit. That's all I'm saying about the guitar.



Yes, we can say that some songs are greater than other songs.

Yesterday, One, Imagine, Angels, Live Forever, etc, etc ... are better than most songs. However, it is very difficult to say which is the greatest. The same way it's very difficult to say which is the worst.

That's why it's a mistake to focus on writing ... The Greatest Ever Song. It probably can't be done.

Writing a BIG TEN of songs that is more powerful than any other artist's BIG TEN is the way to go.

There's safety in numbers.

And it's absolutely necessary that I do this - as I've explained before.

My songs need to go to war for me. Otherwise, I'm fucked.


Fitness? Fashion?

I should have done this shit years ago. Do you know what I mean? 'You weren't as fired up then as you are now, Mikey.'

I know, I know.


Humans or dolphins?

Dolphins every day of the week.

Enough said.
