Monday 25 July 2022

This isn't No. 1,020

'What, boss?!'

It's not a conceptual, Voice. I'm just not in the mood today. 'Oh.' I'm only doing one this week, and I'll do it tomorrow.

So ... I'm just going to write a BIG POST of blah blah blah ... whatever enters my mind, you dig?

'Nice one!'

Well ... maybe, maybe not. It might be a bit rough, like. A bit chaotic. 'So what?! Let your hair down.'

Yeah, yeah.

I'm aching from the dumbbells this morning. 'You shouldn't drop them on your head.'

Anyway, that was a brilliant video, wasn't it? 'What video?' Oh, you didn't see it??? 'No. What video?' The temporary post I did yesterday. From CJ Explores on YouTube. 'Oh.' Yeah, she was exploring the beaches of Newquay with Cory. 'Right.' The production quality is amazing. It's only two people with a small YouTube channel. No wonder TV is dying.

Actually, I watch way more YouTube these days than TV ... which is actually a bad thing because I should be doing my music instead. Never mind.

I'm still trying to discipline myself to work like a maniac Mondays to Fridays like our Xavier. With no distractions! I'll manage it one day. Uh.

There's too much entertainment in the world. That's the problem. I mean, there's more entertainment than there are people to be entertained.

That's why I'm focusing on my BIG TEN of songs so hard ... rather than writing hundreds of songs.

I've got the collected works of Lord Byron somewhere. Hundreds of pages! But I only want to read the twelve lines of So, We'll Go No More A-Roving.

Byron will be remembered for his personality, his image, and those twelve lines.

'Byron will be remembered for his personality, his image, and those twelve lines.'

'Byron will be remembered for his -'

What are you trying to do, Voice?

'Get a-ROUND, Mikey.'

Not today, idiot. I'm not in the mood.

Anyway ...

Life and Death is going to be impossible. Just a feeling, you dig? And I'm not calling the song that.

Even if I do write it, man ... it won't be as popular as Good Times. I like playing that song. It's fun.

Dear reader(s), let's have some fun in our lives. We don't want to be miserable all the time, do we?

'Lively up yourselves!!!'

Exactly! Er ... was that you, Voice?

'Of course it was. Who did you think it was?'

Ha! Never mind.

Oh, maybe I should have done a conceptual ...

'I told you!'

Yeah, yeah ... I feel strange. Monday afternoon. I'm not dizzy. Do you know what I mean?

Never ever ... mind.

'Are you going to Cornwall?'

Not yet.


I don't know.

How many times have I read The Waste Land ... ??? A lot! / I remember reading that James Joyce was pissed off with it. I mean, he felt that Eliot was influenced by his Ulysses, but he knew hardly anyone would read his book. 'How many times have you read Ulysses ... ?' Once.

And there's The Hollow Men, of course.

You can't go wrong with two poems like that. Just don't write a load of crap like Four Quartets. That's the moral of the story.

'What story?!'

Shut up, Voice. I'm not in the mood.

I think - as an artist - you've got to imagine what the future will be like.

Just saying.

Never mind.

I should have done a conceptual.

'I told you!'

This feels weird. I feel lost.

'Well ...'

I feel safe when I'm dizzy. I like the wind in my hair. I like being out of it. I like being GONE.

I am not of your world, dear reader(s). Don't you understand?!

Listen ...

My theory is - off at a tangent, like, again, ha! - that John Lennon took five years off in the Seventies because he was bored with his solo career and regretted breaking The Beatles up. / I haven't read that anywhere. It's just my theory. But it's a bloody good one.

Everybody gangsta until they stop being the biggest entertainment act in the world. Do you know what I mean?

It was a mistake.

Anyway ... 

I want to go to Cornwall.

I want to stare at the sea. 

'But -'

Oh, I don't want to surf.


Mikey don't surf - !!!

'What does Mikey do?'

Mikey eats pasties. Mikey drinks lager. Seagull eats Mikey's ice cream. It's traditional. You dig?

It's the way things have always been done in my life.

Kooks, watch that CJ Explores video on the beaches of Newquay. It was only uploaded yesterday.

I need to go.


And when I get back ...

'You'll want to go again.'




But maybe ...


Ha, ha, ha! That's what you could tell them, Voice! Mikey's not coming back! He's GONE forever!

Listen ...

I'm serious now ...

There needs to be a film made about the Owlman. And I'm not talking about some small bullshit cult movie. Hollywood needs to get involved with a budget of two or three hundred million dollars.

His story should be told. It would be amazing.

I would love that!

'Maybe you could represent him, boss. And sell the rights for him. Take a cut, like.'

Yeah. Maybe.

He definitely needs more exposure. I mean, he's a fucking legend in my mind.

So ...

Music? My music? This ain't a music blog.

I'll tell you though ... if you delay for years and years, you can become a different sort of artist.

However, you can get it wrong.

There's a natural time to reveal yourself, I reckon. (The Stone Roses got it just right. But maybe the Owlman's moment has passed???)

I need my BIG TEN of songs. I'm just a few words away from it - with And Rain Came Down. Just words, man. Not even whole sentences. That's how close I am.

I have no great enthusiasm for writing "supporting" songs. My guess is ... I'll be forced to write them once I get a deal.

So be it.

Maybe it will be for the best.

Er ... and ...

Who actually knows best?


The music business?

Or ...

The cosmos?

'The cosmos, boss!'

Yes, Voice. I have to go with the cosmos, too. Consider the dream that gave me the verse melody for The Future. 'That was freakin' nuts!'

THAT ... was the cosmos, my friends.


It moves in mysterious ways.

Everybody gangsta until the cosmos shows up.


Let me ENDS it here.