Tuesday 30 May 2023

I've snapped

Yeah, I've snapped.

I've got to believe - !!!

[It's going to be a struggle, staying snapped. What if I snap back to what I had before???]

I'm sure of it. This morning, I woke up ... to the usual chaos ... inner and outer.

My life, but ...

If you're going to snap, my friend(s) ... you're gonna need external and internal pressure.

[And support from the cosmos.]

Crushing you, you dig?

Practically crushing the life out of you. Well, that's what it feels like. However, what's really happening is ... all the trash is being pushed out of you. All the weakness. All the stupid beliefs. All the stupid thoughts and emotions. All the sadness. All the pain. All the bad memories.

[Well, that's the idea.]

And all that trash, man ... is replaced with iron!

You become an iron person.

'A robot?'

No! Shut up, Voice!

'Ha! A zombie then?'

Zombies are soft. We know that. Watch Shaun of the Dead.

'A rock, Mikey?'

Iron person!

You are reborn.

That's what happens.

It's a new life.

[I feel as fresh as a daisy ...]

I live for music now. I live for it! / I'll have to stop writing this blog soon. No electricity - soon. I'll replace it with poetry.

Plan A, and Plan B.

Plan C??? You don't even want to know, kook(s), and I ain't saying. I'm not even contemplating Plan C because it's too horrible.

Plan A takes up 99% of my mind.

Plan B takes up only 1%.


Because I've got to make Plan A work! That's obvious.

Plan C? Jesus! Stop thinking about Plan C, you idiot(s)!

Plan C is a sick joke. No one wants or needs a Plan C, you dig?

I must focus.

I must have strategy.

I must take massive action.

I can't be stopped.

I will not collapse.

I will not beg the sea for a massive favour.

I won't be a rock. I won't be a human rock. I will be an iron man. But I will sit on a rock.

'Iron comes from rocks.'

Shut up, Voice!

Okay, okay.

Out of the rock, I shall burst forth then ... an iron man!

'That makes more sense. Not much more, but ... ... ... When?'

Ha, ha, ha! This morning. I've already done it. When the alarm went off at half five.

'Congratulations, iron man!'

Thanks, Voice!

Anyway ...

Where was I?

Oh yes. I will sit on a rock. I will play me guitar. I will sing my songs. I will write new songs.

I will hold on to me guitar to get medinner.


And chips.