Thursday, 31 October 2019

Okay, okay, okay

Yeah, yeah. One extra okay because it's the end of the week and I'm feeling fine, you dig? 'Yes, boss!' Nice one, Voice!

Oh ... I finished the lyric for Good Times/Bad Times yesterday, dear reader(s). And I'm pleased with it. Er ... the music is the most important part of a world-beater, by the way. Just so you know. I reckon I'll only try for one great lyric per album. [Nothing - !!!] 'Like Philip Larkin.' What?! 'Like Philip Larkin, boss.' And what albums did he record? 'I mean, his poems, man. One big poem in every collection.' Yeah. Three poems. Tell me what they are. 'Church Going, The Whitsun Weddings, and The Building.' That's right. You know your poetry, Voice. / Aubade is another big one, a late one, but didn't have a collection to go into because ... Larkin probably wasn't writing much then.

Now, taking souls ... that Goggins concept. Well, that's what I'm trying to do with my music, kook(s). I mean, it's just occurred to me, these last few days, like. I mean ... if I can get ten world-beaters, I'll be, uh ... unbeatable, man, even going up against other great songwriters with hundreds of songs. 'Those wasters!' To tell you the truth, I can't see me writing more than a hundred songs.

The Whitsun Weddings and Aubade are world-beaters, as far as poetry goes. / A lot of artists don't really understand that you only need a handful of masterpieces to build a massive reputation. 'Oh, I think they understand, boss.' Yeah, I suppose. But they don't try. They don't push themselves. I tell you, if David Goggins was a poet, then we would see some fucking poems! 'Ha!' Ha, ha, ha. 'And if he were a songwriter?' Don't put ideas in his head! FFS!

Right. Anything else? Uh, oh ... one final thing, before I go. Listen! My thinking was ... that the Good Times/Bad Times lyric would be impossible to finish because of the difficult structure and length. 'Oh.' I mean, what was I going to say over four verses, man? 'Yeah.' BUT(!) ... I wrote fearlessly, like with my conceptuals, and it all came together. Inspiration is bullshit, son! [Daughter!] Amazing things can happen when you just dive in. You dig?

Later(s), pumpkin(s)!

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Oh, I've missed it!

They sent me the email yesterday, but I didn't read it properly. I had no idea they were launching yesterday. Damn! 'What's this, boss?' PR email, Voice. 'Yeah, about what?' TNS launched its state-of-the-art TNSXpress product suite at the FIA Expo in Chicago yesterday. 'So?!' Well ... I missed it, didn't I? 'Ha! Would you have gone to Chicago?' I could have written about it, man. 'Well, write about it now.' Oh, what's the point?!

Hi Michael,

Please find below for you a press release to announce that TNS is launching its state-of-the-art TNSXpress product suite at the FIA Expo in Chicago today. If you would like any further information or to speak to someone at TNS please do not hesitate to contact me using the information at the bottom of this email.

Damn! Why didn't I speak to someone at TNS?

Anyway ...

October 29, 2019 - Transaction Network Services (TNS) is launching its state-of-the-art TNSXpress product suite at the FIA Expo in Chicago today. Visitors to TNS booth #319 will see how the TNSXpress solutions can offer some of the fastest, most secure and comprehensive connectivity to the global financial markets.

Yeah. October 29, 2019. That was yesterday, dear reader(s). 'All your troubles seemed so far away.' Shut up, idiot!

Is there any point now? ...

Comprised of three innovative solutions which have been specifically designed to meet the demands of the world's trading community, TNSXpress includes TNS Layer 1, TNS Managed Hosting and TNS Market Data. This combined offering is feature rich, provides ultra-low latency connectivity and covers a significantly expanded global footprint.

Okay. The sad thing is ... we can't hear what Scott Feagans says. 'Why not?' We can only hear what he said, you dig? 'Christ! That's better than nothing, boss.' I suppose.

"TNSXpress is redefining the reasons why financial services firms outsource their trading operations," said Scott Feagans, VP of Technology and Strategy of TNS' Financial Services business. "It is an innovative, robust and far-reaching suite that offers a value proposition unmatched by any other single-source provider."

Thank you, Scott. 'Is there more?' Yes. 'Are you going to copy and paste it?' No. There's a lot of it. And I don't have the motivation. 'Just do one more paragraph. Think of your readers.' My readers? 'Yes.' Right. Fine.

"Our TNS Layer 1 solution is up to 10 times faster than traditional layer 3 architectures," added Mr. Feagans. "It offers reliable superior performance at a lower total cost of ownership. We are proud to be the first, and currently only, managed service provider that can offer Layer 1 on a global scale. TNS is the pre-eminent provider for high frequency, low latency, global offerings and can comprehensively meet traders' connectivity and market data requirements through a single-source agreement."

Yeah, yeah. And ... ENDS. No endorsement, obviously, dear reader(s). I mean, I don't know shit about trading operations. (Maybe you do ... ?) And I'm a bit depressed now. 'Oh.' Yeah.


Ha, ha, ha! I'm not depressed. No, no, no. Anything else? The Can't Hurt Me audiobook? 'Yippee!' Yeah.

Okay, okay. It's cool to listen to the whole thing, man, and I might do it every couple of weeks, BUT(!) day-to-day ... I might just listen to the Taking Souls and Armored Mind chapters. Combined, they're roughly two hours and forty minutes, which is easy to do in one day. They cover most of the SEAL training, and they have great extra material that isn't in the paperback.

By the way, the Army Ranger training that Goggins did was really tough as well.

Oh, there's a famous singer/songwriter who did Army Ranger training. 'Really? Who?' Kris Kristofferson. 'Well, I never knew that, boss!' Ha! You do now, son.

Later(s), kook(s)!

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

[No. 751] Behind enemy lines

There's danger everywhere!

And, well ...[1], and here I, I, I ... am, again, Christ![1], and, well ...[2], and ... 'He won't stop, ever!'[1], and here I, I, I ... am, again, Christ![2], and I'm on my purpose, yes / and I'm so dedicated, yes[1], and ... 'He won't stop, ever!'[2], and believe it, kook(s)![1], and I'm on my purpose, yes / and I'm so dedicated, yes[2], and a-ROUND here ... and out there, too ... the mission is sacred, you dig?[1], and believe it, kook(s)![2], and ... 'Roger that, boss!' / and shut up, Voice, please[1], and a-ROUND here ... and out there, too ... the mission is sacred, you dig?[2], and, so ...[1], and ... 'Roger that, boss!' / and shut up, Voice, please[2], and, listen! ... I'm keeping both eyes open, man![1], and, so ...[2], and, because ... squares won't stop being square ... / and they've got plans for our sort[1], and, listen! ... I'm keeping both eyes open, man![2], and ... 'Stay hard!'[1], and, because ... squares won't stop being square ... / and they've got plans for our sort[2], and I try my best to be ... who I really am / and, BUT(!) ... they want you to be ... oh, anything but[1], and ... 'Stay hard!'[2], and ... Who are you?[1], and I try my best to be ... who I really am / and, BUT(!) ... they want you to be ... oh, anything but[2], and they want to break us down[1], and ... W ho ar e y ou?[2], and, oh, oh ... a-ROUND here ... we are safe, but it's out there ... that we must conquer[1], and they want to break us down[2], and they want us to crumble[1], and, oh, oh ... a-ROUND here ... we are safe, but it's out there ... that we must conquer[2], and ... Who do you want to be?[1], and they want us to crum ble[2], and an individual can be stronger than ... ?[1], and ... Wh o d o yo u wan t t o b e?[2], and I believe ...[1], and an individual can be stronger than ... ?[2], and it's a cruel world ... ? / and, well ... maybe it's more of a stupid world, and a weak one[1], and I believe ...[2], and I believe ... all sorts of things, yes[1], and it's a cruel world ... ? / and, well ... maybe it's more of a stupid world, and a weak one[2], and ... 'We know, boss'[1], and I believe ... all sorts of things, yes[2], and I believe ... that, uh, actually .. an individual can be stronger than a whole society[1], and ... 'We know, boss'[2], and ... 'Really?'[1], and I believe ... that, uh, actually .. an individual can be stronger than a whole society[2], and yes, yes, YES - !!![1], and ... 'Really?'[2], and, so ... spin![1], and yes, yes, YES - !!![2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and, uh ... from the cosmos to my soul[1], and, so ... spin![2], and tune in, my friend(s)![1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and, uh ... from the cosmos to my soul[2], and the gift of personal power ... man, it flows from the cosmos to the individual[1], and tune in, my friend(s)![2], and ... can YOU(!) dig it?[1], and the gift of personal power ... man, it flows from the cosmos to the individual[2], and, well ...[3], and ... can YOU(!) dig it?[2], and here I, I, I ... am, again, Christ![3], and ... 'He won't stop, ever!'[3], and I'm on my purpose, yes / and I'm so dedicated, yes[3], and believe it, kook(s)![3], and a-ROUND here ... and out there, too ... the mission is sacred, you dig?[3], and ... 'Roger that, boss!' / and shut up, Voice, please[3], and, so ...[3], and, listen! ... I'm keeping both eyes open, man![3], and, because ... squares won't stop being square ... / and they've got plans for our sort[3], and ... 'Stay hard!'[3], and I try my best to be ... who I really am / and, BUT(!) ... they want you to be ... oh, anything but[3], and ... W  h  o a  r  e y  o  u?[3], and they want to break us down[3], and, oh, oh ... a-ROUND here ... we are safe, but it's out there ... that we must conquer[3], and they want us to c  r  u  m  b  l  e[3], and ... W  h  o d  o y  o  u w  a  n  t t  o b  e?[3], and an individual can be stronger than ... ?[3], and I believe ...[3], and it's a cruel world ... ? / and, well ... maybe it's more of a stupid world, and a weak one[3], and I believe ... all sorts of things, yes[3], and ... 'We know, boss'[3], and I believe ... that, uh, actually .. an individual can be stronger than a whole society[3], and ... 'Really?'[3], and yes, yes, YES - !!![3], and, so ... spin![3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and, uh ... from the cosmos to my soul[3], and tune in, my friend(s)![3], and the gift of personal power ... man, it flows from the cosmos to the individual[3], and ... can YOU(!) dig it?[3], and

And, well ...[1], and here I, I, I ... am, again, Christ![1], and, well ...[2], and ... 'He won't stop, ever!'[1], and here I, I, I ... am, again, Christ![2], and I'm on my purpose, yes / and I'm so dedicated, yes[1], and ... 'He won't stop, ever!'[2], and believe it, kook(s)![1], and I'm on my purpose, yes / and I'm so dedicated, yes[2], and a-ROUND here ... and out there, too ... the mission is sacred, you dig?[1], and believe it, kook(s)![2], and ... 'Roger that, boss!' / and shut up, Voice, please[1], and a-ROUND here ... and out there, too ... the mission is sacred, you dig?[2], and, so ...[1], and ... 'Roger that, boss!' / and shut up, Voice, please[2], and, listen! ... I'm keeping both eyes open, man![1], and, so ...[2], and, because ... squares won't stop being square ... / and they've got plans for our sort[1], and, listen! ... I'm keeping both eyes open, man![2], and ... 'Stay hard!'[1], and, because ... squares won't stop being square ... / and they've got plans for our sort[2], and I try my best to be ... who I really am / and, BUT(!) ... they want you to be ... oh, anything but[1], and ... 'Stay hard!'[2], and ... Who are you?[1], and I try my best to be ... who I really am / and, BUT(!) ... they want you to be ... oh, anything but[2], and they want to break us down[1], and ... W ho ar e y ou?[2], and, oh, oh ... a-ROUND here ... we are safe, but it's out there ... that we must conquer[1], and they want to break us down[2], and they want us to crumble[1], and, oh, oh ... a-ROUND here ... we are safe, but it's out there ... that we must conquer[2], and ... Who do you want to be?[1], and they want us to crum ble[2], and an individual can be stronger than ... ?[1], and ... Wh o d o yo u wan t t o b e?[2], and I believe ...[1], and an individual can be stronger than ... ?[2], and it's a cruel world ... ? / and, well ... maybe it's more of a stupid world, and a weak one[1], and I believe ...[2], and I believe ... all sorts of things, yes[1], and it's a cruel world ... ? / and, well ... maybe it's more of a stupid world, and a weak one[2], and ... 'We know, boss'[1], and I believe ... all sorts of things, yes[2], and I believe ... that, uh, actually .. an individual can be stronger than a whole society[1], and ... 'We know, boss'[2], and ... 'Really?'[1], and I believe ... that, uh, actually .. an individual can be stronger than a whole society[2], and yes, yes, YES - !!![1], and ... 'Really?'[2], and, so ... spin![1], and yes, yes, YES - !!![2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and, uh ... from the cosmos to my soul[1], and, so ... spin![2], and tune in, my friend(s)![1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and, uh ... from the cosmos to my soul[2], and the gift of personal power ... man, it flows from the cosmos to the individual[1], and tune in, my friend(s)![2], and ... can YOU(!) dig it?[1], and the gift of personal power ... man, it flows from the cosmos to the individual[2], and, well ...[3], and ... can YOU(!) dig it?[2], and here I, I, I ... am, again, Christ![3], and ... 'He won't stop, ever!'[3], and I'm on my purpose, yes / and I'm so dedicated, yes[3], and believe it, kook(s)![3], and a-ROUND here ... and out there, too ... the mission is sacred, you dig?[3], and ... 'Roger that, boss!' / and shut up, Voice, please[3], and, so ...[3], and, listen! ... I'm keeping both eyes open, man![3], and, because ... squares won't stop being square ... / and they've got plans for our sort[3], and ... 'Stay hard!'[3], and I try my best to be ... who I really am / and, BUT(!) ... they want you to be ... oh, anything but[3], and ... W  h  o a  r  e y  o  u?[3], and they want to break us down[3], and, oh, oh ... a-ROUND here ... we are safe, but it's out there ... that we must conquer[3], and they want us to c  r  u  m  b  l  e[3], and ... W  h  o d  o y  o  u w  a  n  t t  o b  e?[3], and an individual can be stronger than ... ?[3], and I believe ...[3], and it's a cruel world ... ? / and, well ... maybe it's more of a stupid world, and a weak one[3], and I believe ... all sorts of things, yes[3], and ... 'We know, boss'[3], and I believe ... that, uh, actually .. an individual can be stronger than a whole society[3], and ... 'Really?'[3], and yes, yes, YES - !!![3], and, so ... spin![3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and, uh ... from the cosmos to my soul[3], and tune in, my friend(s)![3], and the gift of personal power ... man, it flows from the cosmos to the individual[3], and ... can YOU(!) dig it?[3], and

And, well ...[1], and here I, I, I ... am, again, Christ![1], and, well ...[2], and ... 'He won't stop, ever!'[1], and here I, I, I ... am, again, Christ![2], and I'm on my purpose, yes / and I'm so dedicated, yes[1], and ... 'He won't stop, ever!'[2], and believe it, kook(s)![1], and I'm on my purpose, yes / and I'm so dedicated, yes[2], and a-ROUND here ... and out there, too ... the mission is sacred, you dig?[1], and believe it, kook(s)![2], and ... 'Roger that, boss!' / and shut up, Voice, please[1], and a-ROUND here ... and out there, too ... the mission is sacred, you dig?[2], and, so ...[1], and ... 'Roger that, boss!' / and shut up, Voice, please[2], and, listen! ... I'm keeping both eyes open, man![1], and, so ...[2], and, because ... squares won't stop being square ... / and they've got plans for our sort[1], and, listen! ... I'm keeping both eyes open, man![2], and ... 'Stay hard!'[1], and, because ... squares won't stop being square ... / and they've got plans for our sort[2], and I try my best to be ... who I really am / and, BUT(!) ... they want you to be ... oh, anything but[1], and ... 'Stay hard!'[2], and ... Who are you?[1], and I try my best to be ... who I really am / and, BUT(!) ... they want you to be ... oh, anything but[2], and they want to break us down[1], and ... W ho ar e y ou?[2], and, oh, oh ... a-ROUND here ... we are safe, but it's out there ... that we must conquer[1], and they want to break us down[2], and they want us to crumble[1], and, oh, oh ... a-ROUND here ... we are safe, but it's out there ... that we must conquer[2], and ... Who do you want to be?[1], and they want us to crum ble[2], and an individual can be stronger than ... ?[1], and ... Wh o d o yo u wan t t o b e?[2], and I believe ...[1], and an individual can be stronger than ... ?[2], and it's a cruel world ... ? / and, well ... maybe it's more of a stupid world, and a weak one[1], and I believe ...[2], and I believe ... all sorts of things, yes[1], and it's a cruel world ... ? / and, well ... maybe it's more of a stupid world, and a weak one[2], and ... 'We know, boss'[1], and I believe ... all sorts of things, yes[2], and I believe ... that, uh, actually .. an individual can be stronger than a whole society[1], and ... 'We know, boss'[2], and ... 'Really?'[1], and I believe ... that, uh, actually .. an individual can be stronger than a whole society[2], and yes, yes, YES - !!![1], and ... 'Really?'[2], and, so ... spin![1], and yes, yes, YES - !!![2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and, uh ... from the cosmos to my soul[1], and, so ... spin![2], and tune in, my friend(s)![1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and, uh ... from the cosmos to my soul[2], and the gift of personal power ... man, it flows from the cosmos to the individual[1], and tune in, my friend(s)![2], and ... can YOU(!) dig it?[1], and the gift of personal power ... man, it flows from the cosmos to the individual[2], and, well ...[3], and ... can YOU(!) dig it?[2], and here I, I, I ... am, again, Christ![3], and ... 'He won't stop, ever!'[3], and I'm on my purpose, yes / and I'm so dedicated, yes[3], and believe it, kook(s)![3], and a-ROUND here ... and out there, too ... the mission is sacred, you dig?[3], and ... 'Roger that, boss!' / and shut up, Voice, please[3], and, so ...[3], and, listen! ... I'm keeping both eyes open, man![3], and, because ... squares won't stop being square ... / and they've got plans for our sort[3], and ... 'Stay hard!'[3], and I try my best to be ... who I really am / and, BUT(!) ... they want you to be ... oh, anything but[3], and ... W  h  o a  r  e y  o  u?[3], and they want to break us down[3], and, oh, oh ... a-ROUND here ... we are safe, but it's out there ... that we must conquer[3], and they want us to c  r  u  m  b  l  e[3], and ... W  h  o d  o y  o  u w  a  n  t t  o b  e?[3], and an individual can be stronger than ... ?[3], and I believe ...[3], and it's a cruel world ... ? / and, well ... maybe it's more of a stupid world, and a weak one[3], and I believe ... all sorts of things, yes[3], and ... 'We know, boss'[3], and I believe ... that, uh, actually .. an individual can be stronger than a whole society[3], and ... 'Really?'[3], and yes, yes, YES - !!![3], and, so ... spin![3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and, uh ... from the cosmos to my soul[3], and tune in, my friend(s)![3], and the gift of personal power ... man, it flows from the cosmos to the individual[3], and ... can YOU(!) dig it?[3], and

Property news, with experts

Okay, okay. PR email, but ... 'What, boss? You sound troubled.' Well, at the end of the email this Rhys says, "Speak soon ...". I mean ... 'Ha, ha, ha! Christ. Are you going to speak with him?' No, Voice. No I'm not. You know I don't like this sort of thing. It makes me really nervous.

Anyway ...

Hi Michael,

Nationwide's latest House Price Index (released this morning) has revealed that the average UK house price has increased by a modest 0.2% in October. If you're planning on covering this breaking news, please find below comments from two leading property experts reacting to these latest figures.

Right. I wasn't planning on covering the news, but ... this Rhys seems to be a really lovely guy and - 'And you haven't got anything else to write about.' Yeah.

Anyway ...

Jamie Johnson, CEO of FJP Investment, "Today's house price index demonstrates that despite Brexit uncertainty, demand for real estate remains. Yes, the rate of house price growth has slowed down, but the fact that prices are rising at a time when the government is amidst a political crisis should not be overlooked. The question now is whether this upturn is a sign of things to come.

"The property market faces some challenging months ahead, made more complicated by the fact that Brexit has been delayed until 31st January 2020. Yet despite the uncertainty, it is important to remember the bigger picture. Whilst it is natural in times of uncertainty for property prices to fluctuate, bricks and mortar has remained, for the most part, resilient. Figures from the Office of National Statistics, for instance, show that the average UK house price has risen from £214,000 in June 2016, to £228,000 in January 2019 - impressive growth for any asset.

"The property market has weathered many storms before, including the global financial crisis, snap general elections and high-profile political resignations, and there is no reason to believe this won't be the case in the months leading up to Brexit."

Okay, okay. Just one question though: Should a CEO really be called Jamie? 'Ha! It's a matter for him, boss. Leave him alone, you bully!' Yeah, all right.

Let's hear from Paresh ...

Paresh Raja, CEO of Market Financial Solutions, "House price growth remains at a low 0.2%, and this will have many property commentators worried.

"We shouldn't let these monthly figures distract us from the bigger picture. In real terms, house prices have risen since the EU referendum vote, which is an impressive feat given the performance of other assets that have struggled as a consequence of Brexit uncertainty.

"And let's not forget that for the majority of October, the UK was assuming that Brexit would be happening at the end of the month. Yes, this has now been delayed, but these latest figures nonetheless show that even when Brexit looked to be a mere few weeks away, house prices were not drastically fluctuating.

"Buyers and sellers are no doubt suffering from Brexit-fatigue, and this marginal increase/decrease will no doubt be replicated over the coming months as we wait for Brexit to be resolved. Once certainty returns to the market, I'd expect to see a boost in transactions as buyers and sellers are able to effectively plan for the future without Brexit uncertainty hanging over them."

Okay, okay. Thank you, Paresh. You've got a very serious name, son. Well done!


Anything else? Oh yes. Listen! For me, getting a recording and/or publishing deal is a special ops mission now. I don't sleep much, I hardly watch TV, and I eat less, and I exercise more. I'm constantly active! When my blogging is done, I'm on the guitar. I'm strengthening my fingers, I'm strengthening my singing voice ... and I'm strengthening my mind, and my soul - !!! I even see myself as being behind enemy lines. 'Ha! How on earth are you behind enemy lines, boss?!' Voice ... society all around me is the enemy, until I can turn it - or sections of it - on to my music, you dig? 'Yeah, okay. I see.' Nice one!

Dear kook(s) ... If you ain't got the right mindset, you ain't got nothing.

The "behind enemy lines" concept is very powerful. [I thought of it this morning! Inspired by the solo mission order at the beginning of Can't Hurt Me.] It means that you must dodge bullets* every day. It means that your life is in danger until you can achieve your goal. Using this concept, you can't see yourself as a normal member of society. Oh no. You do not belong. At least, not yet. Because you must complete your mission first.



*I'm talking about your money or lack of it, bills to pay, your health, relationships, your home situation, your work situation. Just anything in your life that is dodgy or unsafe.

Monday, 28 October 2019

[No. 750] Normality is evil

It must be avoided at all costs!

And, believe ...[1], and you can sleep on the floor[1], and, believe ...[2], and, do it![1], and you can sleep on the floor[2], and you can eat your food at unusual hours ...[1], and, do it![2], and, do it now![1], and you can eat your food at unusual hours ...[2], and ... are you listening?[1], and, do it now![2], and, actually ... don't sleep at all if you're, uh, uh ... real hardcore, you dig?[1], and ... are you listening?[2], and a-ROUND here ... or anywhere[1], and, actually ... don't sleep at all if you're, uh, uh ... real hardcore, you dig?[2], and ... walk a few hundred miles, to the sea, ah, jump in, and make friends with a dolphin[1], and a-ROUND here ... or anywhere[2], and only look at the sky, day or night[1], and ... walk a few hundred miles, to the sea, ah, jump in, and make friends with a dolphin[2], and, no, no, no ... don't look at the earth[1], and only look at the sky, day or night[2], and, well, well ...[1], and, no, no, no ... don't look at the earth[2], and a-ROUND here ... is a good place to start / and it's a very good place, yes[1], and, well, well ...[2], and ... spin now - !!![1], and a-ROUND here ... is a good place to start / and it's a very good place, yes[2], and forget the TV, Christ! ... / ... and there's NOTHING - !!! on, anyway[1], and ... spin now - !!![2], and be brave, kook(s)[1], and forget the TV, Christ! ... / ... and there's NOTHING - !!! on, anyway[2], and if squares are watching you ... just roll on the floor and scream as loudly as you can[1], and be brave, kook(s)[2], and I hate those guys![1], and if squares are watching you ... just roll on the floor and scream as loudly as you can[2], and, yes, let them know you're insane[1], and I hate those guys![2], and be so strange, ha![1], and, yes, let them know you're insane[2], and, yes, let them know ... you will not settle for their disgusting reality[1], and be so strange, ha![2], and, oh ... it's really disgusting, seriously![1], and, yes, let them know ... you will not settle for their disgusting reality[2], and if you're a genuine kook ... well, you're not starting from zero, are you?[1], and, oh ... it's really disgusting, seriously![2], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... you must do better[1], and if you're a genuine kook ... well, you're not starting from zero, are you?[2], and I'm watching you ... with love[1], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... y ou m ust d o bet ter[2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and it's tough love, yes, yes, yes[1], and I'm watching you ... with love[2], and ... do you dig?[1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and it's tough love, yes, yes, yes[2], and the cosmic power force is watching you ... with love / and, uh ... will it judge you?[1], and ... do you dig?[2], and don't worry, man[1], and the cosmic power force is watching you ... with love / and, uh ... will it judge you?[2], and, listen! ... you're more peculiar than you think[1], and don't worry, man[2], and don't be ashamed, man[1], and, listen! ... you're more peculiar than you think[2], and ... 'Ha!'[1], and don't be ashamed, man[2], and, believe ...[3], and ... 'Ha!'[2], and you can sleep on the floor[3], and, do it![3], and you can eat your food at unusual hours ...[3], and, do it now![3], and ... are you listening?[3], and, actually ... don't sleep at all if you're, uh, uh ... real hardcore, you dig?[3], and a-ROUND here ... or anywhere[3], and ... walk a few hundred miles, to the sea, ah, jump in, and make friends with a dolphin[3], and only look at the sky, day or night[3], and, no, no, no ... don't look at the earth[3], and, well, well ...[3], and a-ROUND here ... is a good place to start / and it's a very good place, yes[3], and ... spin now - !!![3], and forget the TV, Christ! ... / ... and there's NOTHING - !!! on, anyway[3], and be brave, kook(s)[3], and if squares are watching you ... just roll on the floor and scream as loudly as you can[3], and I hate those guys![3], and, yes, let them know you're insane[3], and be so strange, ha![3], and, yes, let them know ... you will not settle for their disgusting reality[3], and, oh ... it's really disgusting, seriously![3], and if you're a genuine kook ... well, you're not starting from zero, are you?[3], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... y  o  u m  u  s  t d  o b  e  t  t  e  r[3], and I'm watching you ... with love[3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and it's tough love, yes, yes, yes[3], and ... do you dig?[3], and the cosmic power force is watching you ... with love / and, uh ... will it judge you?[3], and don't worry, man[3], and, listen! ... you're more peculiar than you think[3], and don't be ashamed, man[3], and ... 'Ha!'[3], and

And, believe ...[1], and you can sleep on the floor[1], and, believe ...[2], and, do it![1], and you can sleep on the floor[2], and you can eat your food at unusual hours ...[1], and, do it![2], and, do it now![1], and you can eat your food at unusual hours ...[2], and ... are you listening?[1], and, do it now![2], and, actually ... don't sleep at all if you're, uh, uh ... real hardcore, you dig?[1], and ... are you listening?[2], and a-ROUND here ... or anywhere[1], and, actually ... don't sleep at all if you're, uh, uh ... real hardcore, you dig?[2], and ... walk a few hundred miles, to the sea, ah, jump in, and make friends with a dolphin[1], and a-ROUND here ... or anywhere[2], and only look at the sky, day or night[1], and ... walk a few hundred miles, to the sea, ah, jump in, and make friends with a dolphin[2], and, no, no, no ... don't look at the earth[1], and only look at the sky, day or night[2], and, well, well ...[1], and, no, no, no ... don't look at the earth[2], and a-ROUND here ... is a good place to start / and it's a very good place, yes[1], and, well, well ...[2], and ... spin now - !!![1], and a-ROUND here ... is a good place to start / and it's a very good place, yes[2], and forget the TV, Christ! ... / ... and there's NOTHING - !!! on, anyway[1], and ... spin now - !!![2], and be brave, kook(s)[1], and forget the TV, Christ! ... / ... and there's NOTHING - !!! on, anyway[2], and if squares are watching you ... just roll on the floor and scream as loudly as you can[1], and be brave, kook(s)[2], and I hate those guys![1], and if squares are watching you ... just roll on the floor and scream as loudly as you can[2], and, yes, let them know you're insane[1], and I hate those guys![2], and be so strange, ha![1], and, yes, let them know you're insane[2], and, yes, let them know ... you will not settle for their disgusting reality[1], and be so strange, ha![2], and, oh ... it's really disgusting, seriously![1], and, yes, let them know ... you will not settle for their disgusting reality[2], and if you're a genuine kook ... well, you're not starting from zero, are you?[1], and, oh ... it's really disgusting, seriously![2], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... you must do better[1], and if you're a genuine kook ... well, you're not starting from zero, are you?[2], and I'm watching you ... with love[1], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... y ou m ust d o bet ter[2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and it's tough love, yes, yes, yes[1], and I'm watching you ... with love[2], and ... do you dig?[1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and it's tough love, yes, yes, yes[2], and the cosmic power force is watching you ... with love / and, uh ... will it judge you?[1], and ... do you dig?[2], and don't worry, man[1], and the cosmic power force is watching you ... with love / and, uh ... will it judge you?[2], and, listen! ... you're more peculiar than you think[1], and don't worry, man[2], and don't be ashamed, man[1], and, listen! ... you're more peculiar than you think[2], and ... 'Ha!'[1], and don't be ashamed, man[2], and, believe ...[3], and ... 'Ha!'[2], and you can sleep on the floor[3], and, do it![3], and you can eat your food at unusual hours ...[3], and, do it now![3], and ... are you listening?[3], and, actually ... don't sleep at all if you're, uh, uh ... real hardcore, you dig?[3], and a-ROUND here ... or anywhere[3], and ... walk a few hundred miles, to the sea, ah, jump in, and make friends with a dolphin[3], and only look at the sky, day or night[3], and, no, no, no ... don't look at the earth[3], and, well, well ...[3], and a-ROUND here ... is a good place to start / and it's a very good place, yes[3], and ... spin now - !!![3], and forget the TV, Christ! ... / ... and there's NOTHING - !!! on, anyway[3], and be brave, kook(s)[3], and if squares are watching you ... just roll on the floor and scream as loudly as you can[3], and I hate those guys![3], and, yes, let them know you're insane[3], and be so strange, ha![3], and, yes, let them know ... you will not settle for their disgusting reality[3], and, oh ... it's really disgusting, seriously![3], and if you're a genuine kook ... well, you're not starting from zero, are you?[3], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... y  o  u m  u  s  t d  o b  e  t  t  e  r[3], and I'm watching you ... with love[3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and it's tough love, yes, yes, yes[3], and ... do you dig?[3], and the cosmic power force is watching you ... with love / and, uh ... will it judge you?[3], and don't worry, man[3], and, listen! ... you're more peculiar than you think[3], and don't be ashamed, man[3], and ... 'Ha!'[3], and

And, believe ...[1], and you can sleep on the floor[1], and, believe ...[2], and, do it![1], and you can sleep on the floor[2], and you can eat your food at unusual hours ...[1], and, do it![2], and, do it now![1], and you can eat your food at unusual hours ...[2], and ... are you listening?[1], and, do it now![2], and, actually ... don't sleep at all if you're, uh, uh ... real hardcore, you dig?[1], and ... are you listening?[2], and a-ROUND here ... or anywhere[1], and, actually ... don't sleep at all if you're, uh, uh ... real hardcore, you dig?[2], and ... walk a few hundred miles, to the sea, ah, jump in, and make friends with a dolphin[1], and a-ROUND here ... or anywhere[2], and only look at the sky, day or night[1], and ... walk a few hundred miles, to the sea, ah, jump in, and make friends with a dolphin[2], and, no, no, no ... don't look at the earth[1], and only look at the sky, day or night[2], and, well, well ...[1], and, no, no, no ... don't look at the earth[2], and a-ROUND here ... is a good place to start / and it's a very good place, yes[1], and, well, well ...[2], and ... spin now - !!![1], and a-ROUND here ... is a good place to start / and it's a very good place, yes[2], and forget the TV, Christ! ... / ... and there's NOTHING - !!! on, anyway[1], and ... spin now - !!![2], and be brave, kook(s)[1], and forget the TV, Christ! ... / ... and there's NOTHING - !!! on, anyway[2], and if squares are watching you ... just roll on the floor and scream as loudly as you can[1], and be brave, kook(s)[2], and I hate those guys![1], and if squares are watching you ... just roll on the floor and scream as loudly as you can[2], and, yes, let them know you're insane[1], and I hate those guys![2], and be so strange, ha![1], and, yes, let them know you're insane[2], and, yes, let them know ... you will not settle for their disgusting reality[1], and be so strange, ha![2], and, oh ... it's really disgusting, seriously![1], and, yes, let them know ... you will not settle for their disgusting reality[2], and if you're a genuine kook ... well, you're not starting from zero, are you?[1], and, oh ... it's really disgusting, seriously![2], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... you must do better[1], and if you're a genuine kook ... well, you're not starting from zero, are you?[2], and I'm watching you ... with love[1], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... y ou m ust d o bet ter[2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and it's tough love, yes, yes, yes[1], and I'm watching you ... with love[2], and ... do you dig?[1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and it's tough love, yes, yes, yes[2], and the cosmic power force is watching you ... with love / and, uh ... will it judge you?[1], and ... do you dig?[2], and don't worry, man[1], and the cosmic power force is watching you ... with love / and, uh ... will it judge you?[2], and, listen! ... you're more peculiar than you think[1], and don't worry, man[2], and don't be ashamed, man[1], and, listen! ... you're more peculiar than you think[2], and ... 'Ha!'[1], and don't be ashamed, man[2], and, believe ...[3], and ... 'Ha!'[2], and you can sleep on the floor[3], and, do it![3], and you can eat your food at unusual hours ...[3], and, do it now![3], and ... are you listening?[3], and, actually ... don't sleep at all if you're, uh, uh ... real hardcore, you dig?[3], and a-ROUND here ... or anywhere[3], and ... walk a few hundred miles, to the sea, ah, jump in, and make friends with a dolphin[3], and only look at the sky, day or night[3], and, no, no, no ... don't look at the earth[3], and, well, well ...[3], and a-ROUND here ... is a good place to start / and it's a very good place, yes[3], and ... spin now - !!![3], and forget the TV, Christ! ... / ... and there's NOTHING - !!! on, anyway[3], and be brave, kook(s)[3], and if squares are watching you ... just roll on the floor and scream as loudly as you can[3], and I hate those guys![3], and, yes, let them know you're insane[3], and be so strange, ha![3], and, yes, let them know ... you will not settle for their disgusting reality[3], and, oh ... it's really disgusting, seriously![3], and if you're a genuine kook ... well, you're not starting from zero, are you?[3], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... y  o  u m  u  s  t d  o b  e  t  t  e  r[3], and I'm watching you ... with love[3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and it's tough love, yes, yes, yes[3], and ... do you dig?[3], and the cosmic power force is watching you ... with love / and, uh ... will it judge you?[3], and don't worry, man[3], and, listen! ... you're more peculiar than you think[3], and don't be ashamed, man[3], and ... 'Ha!'[3], and

Stock exchanges will die ... ?

Or will they? 'They will die! They will die!' Yes, thank you, Uncle Monty. 'It's Voice, boss.' Yes, I know, idiot.

Oh, before we start, dear reader(s). Listen! I hate it when PR people say ... Do let me know if the below is of interest. 'Why?' Because they're trying to keep an eye on me, uh, see what I'm writing, like, and, uh ... I don't like that. I don't like it one little bit. But I've found a solution. Ha, ha, ha! 'Tell us, boss!' I can still write this post, yeah? BUT(!) ... without being interested in it. 'Oh, that's really clever, boss.' Yeah, I know. I'm a genius, frankly.

[Jesus. Normally, Kestell isn't bothered, man. He doesn't want to know shit, any shit at all. But now it's ... Do let me know if the below is of interest. 'Ha!' Well, Kestell, son ... it is not of interest, you dig? It is NOT of interest.]

Okay, okay. Let's do this PR email!

A century after the great depression, will the world's investors transfer to digital exchanges over stock exchanges?

Er, I have no idea. I really don't know. Who does know?

Daniele Mensi, CEO of Nexthash Group, explains how the global investment structure may change in the next 10 years.

Okay, Daniele, let's see what you've got ...

As we reach the end of the 2010s, many investors will reflect on a decade that was still recovering from the worst financial collapse in history as we race towards the centenary of the great depression of the 1920s. Many players, including politicians, investors and fund managers, have commented on financial practices and how we need radical change to ensure economic collapse does not happen again. However, in this new era of technology and globalization, there is a case to be made for digital exchanges superseding the traditional stock exchange to break the monopoly of overinflated IPOs and expensive exchange fees by traders and fund managers. 

Okay, okay. Has any research been done though? That's the question.

Earlier in 2019, Nexthash Group commissioned nationally representative research across 2,000 investors, and it revealed a clear mandate for change.

Oh, right.

A third - 33% - of Brits want more flexible ways to invest into businesses than stocks, shares or venture capital investments.

33% - !!! That's a third!

A quarter of Brits - 24% - agree that seeing Unicorns and their IPOs fail or not fulfil their potential, such as Uber, has made investing into Initial Public Offerings unpalatable to them.

One in five British investors - 21% - feel gold and real-estate does not give them the rapid return on investment that they can get from high-growth, internationally-facing companies.

Three in ten Brits - 28% - would consider using Digital Security Offerings if there was an unbiased, trustworthy source of information about them.

28% is not three in ten. Sorry.

More than two-thirds of British investors - 68% - would only trade or invest where there is security or protection against fraud for their investment.

Okay, okay. Now, uh ... Daniele wants to say a few words. 'I thought that was Daniele.' Er, no. I don't think it was. 'Who was it is then?!' I have absolutely no idea, Voice. But here is Daniele -

Daniele Mensi, CEO of Nexthash Group, comments on the research: "The research from Nexthash Group clearly demonstrates a desire for change from investors, with over a quarter of investors looking for more education of Digital Security Offers and a third wanting more flexible investment offers than stocks and shares. This is why, as we enter the decade of the 2020s, there is a case to be made for the rise of the digital exchange challenging the traditional stock market. In the 2010s, we have seen challenger banks do things differently from the traditional high street offerings, and digital exchanges stand to shake up the way individuals think about trading in companies. Digital exchanges, such as our Nexinter platforms, allow international trading to take place in a fully regulated space, with access available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, from and to anywhere in the world. It also eliminates the expense of fund managers and gives the ability for investors, retail or sophisticated, to take advantage of the inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies to maximize their investments at a significantly faster rate than traditional stock options. This is why the decade of the 2020s is set to be remembered for the rise of the digital exchange."

Right, er ... oh, Christ. 'What?!' It's Kestell again. In my face, with his absurd demands. Why can't he leave me alone?!

If you would be interested in receiving a full article on this topic from Daniele Mensi, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

No, no, no! I'm not interested! Thank you, anyway, Kestell.

Unbelievable! 'This guy's out of control, boss!' Yeah.

ENDS - !!! - !!! - !!!


Anything else? Oh yes. Big time. I've got that David Goggins audiobook on Audible, Can't Hurt Me, for free. Yeah. Free! But I cancelled my subscription afterwards because I don't want to subscribe to things. 'Shocking!' Ha! I don't feel bad about it, man. It's totally allowed. Besides, I did buy the paperback through Amazon. / Listen, kook(s)! I have to say, I much prefer, uh ... listening to the book. Some bits are really dramatic, especially the Taking Souls chapter. And there's extra material, too.

Okay, okay. Laters!

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Good news/bad news

Okay, okay. It's the last post of the week, dear reader(s). 'Is that the good news or the bad news, boss?' It's neither, idiot. I haven't got on to the good news or the bad news yet. 'Oh.' The question is ... which should I cover first? 'The good news!' No. I'll do the bad news. 'Fine. Have it your way.' I will.

I always have it my way, you dig? My own way!!! Yes.

Right -

The UK's supposed post-Brexit 'white knight', America, is actually imposing steep new taxes and price increases on goods and small parcels sent to the USA from overseas. The international delivery specialist ParcelHero says it will cost significantly more to mail to America and absorb the impact of new US duties next year.

Okay, okay. That's the bad news. It's costing more to send parcels to America. 'Parcels again.' Yes, Parcels again, Voice. Our Jinksy is only interested in parcels. 'Christ. What's his problem?' Ha! Well, that's obvious. Parcels are his problem. The man is sick. 'What about the good news then?' We'll cover the good news in a minute. First, more of the Jinksy PR email ...

Britain may be looking to the US as its target market in a post-Brexit world, but the international delivery specialist ParcelHero says trading conditions are rapidly worsening for UK retailers selling to the US. ParcelHero's Head of Consumer Research, David Jinks MILT, says: "The USA is many British companies' second largest market after the EU, and many more will be looking at increasing their US sales next year. But there are three significant new factors that will actually make UK sales to the US considerably less profitable in 2020."

Three factors?! Man, I'm only doing one. 'Why?' Because he waffles on for ages, our Jinksy. 'He loves parcels!' Yeah, yeah. / I'll do the first one, the new prices and tariffs -

New US duties of 25% on traditional British goods such as clothing and whisky - increasing the price of a typical Savile Row suit by £1,250.

A potentially massive rise in the price of mail such as packets below 2kg entering the US.

US State sales taxes which previously didn't apply to overseas sellers increasingly imposed on UK goods.

Explains David: "UK online sellers to the US are already beginning to feel the bite of a raft of new taxes and price increases. Firstly, President Trump has just slapped $7.5bn of new tariffs on a long list of products entering the US in a tit-for-tat for what he claims are illegal subsidies the EU makes to Airbus. Britain's exporters are subject to this tax while we remain in the EU, and as Airbus has 25 sites in the UK, manufacturing components such as wings, Trump has no intention of making a special exemption for British companies."

Er ... what about the special relationship? 'A special relationship with Trump? Yeah, right.' Well, I'm disappointed.

Actually, that's, uh ... two. 'Two what?' Two of the three factors. 'Is it?' I don't know. Jinksy isn't being very clear. 'What's the third factor then?' Er ... I don't know. Same as the first one, I think. 'So there are only two factors?' Maybe. I don't know.

Never mind - !!!

Okay, okay. So, uh ... 'What about the good news, boss?' Oh, the good news? You want the good news? 'Yes!' The good news is ... I don't send parcels to America, and I never will. 'Oh.' I mean, I've got no reason to. I don't know anyone in America. 'You don't know anyone in America, boss?' Well ... not personally, Voice. If you know what I mean.

Anyway, anyway ... that's enough. Surely?

Bye! 'Bye!' Bye!

A new and upgraded web platform


21 October 2019 - Quant Insight now offers investment managers the chance to enhance their investment process with an upgraded, multi-asset, easy to use web platform.

Yes, dear reader(s), it's a PR email. No endorsement, obviously. I mean, I don't how good this thing is. 'Ha!' What, Voice? 'I remember the old days, boss.' Right. 'I remember how good the astral plane was for trading/investing, and you didn't charge anyone a penny.' Yes, yes. I didn't charge anyone a penny. But I took their souls, man! I TOOK THEIR SOULS - !!! 'Well ... there's a downside to everything.' There certainly is.

Anyway ...

Offering a quantitative macro overlay to risk, strategy, quant and investment strategies, whether the approach is top-down or bottom-up in style. The audience and client base ranges from $50 million AUM wealth managers and family offices to $1 trillion AUM global hedge funds and asset managers.

$1 trillion AUM!!! Christ! Who's got $1 trillion AUM, these days? 'Global hedge funds and asset managers.' Oh, right. Yeah, I didn't read it properly.

Getting the bigger picture is key in a multi correlated financial universe, and understanding what are the key macro drivers of price action in equities, fx, rates, commodities and ETFs are critical to investment strategy.

Financial universe? 'Financial cosmos, boss?' It's the same thing, Voice. And we know all about that, don't we? 'Yes.' Yes.


No! Oh, oh ... the pricing -

Web Platform V2.0 full access starts at $10,000 per annum.

API access for full integration starts at $75,000 per annum per team.

Right. And I didn't charge on the astral plane, remember. 'But - !!!' Yes, we know. They know. Everyone who's mystical knows.

Listen! I don't miss the astral plane.



Anything else? What else?! There must be something else! Uh, well ... I'll be writing another post later, for my sins.

However ... this post, you dig? There must be something else. Er ... 'I can't think of anything.' No? Well, you've never been good at thinking, Voice. You're like Lucky in Waiting For Godot. 'But he's a bloody idiot!' Exactly.


Oh, I've scrapped two songs, kook(s). It's okay though. I'll still have fifteen songs once the latest two are completed.

Like Marco Pierre White, I don't want the customer [listener] to suffer any weakness.


Uh. Laters.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

[No. 749] What will stick?

Words, words, words.

And ... listen/read![1], and ... Will I ever run out of words?[1], and ... listen/read![2], and, no, no, no - !!![1], and ... Will I ever run out of words?[2], and, yes, yes, yes ... I'm throwing the words in, man![1], and, no, no, no - !!![2], and ... in - !!![1], and, yes, yes, yes ... I'm throwing the words in, man![2], and a-ROUND here, obviously[1], and ... in - !!![2], and out there, look, kook(s)! ... crickets / and, ah ... the COLD WORLD is dead to the magic[1], and a-ROUND here, obviously[2], and ... my magic / and ... our magic?[1], and out there, look, kook(s)! ... crickets / and, ah ... the COLD WORLD is dead to the magic[2], and, come on, come on! ... 'You're the boss, boss!'[1], and ... my magic / and ... our magic?[2], and tell me about it ...[1], and, come on, come on! ... 'You're the boss, boss!'[2], and I'll polish these words so that, uh ... you can see your bloody face in them, son![1], and tell me about it ...[2], and ... 'Great!'[1], and I'll polish these words so that, uh ... you can see your bloody face in them, son![2], and I love words, oh yes ... especially when they break[1], and ... 'Great!'[2], and clean living![1], and I love words, oh yes ... especially when they break[2], and a-ROUND here ... we can spin them until they
break into a million pieces![1], and clean living![2], and ... 'Yes!'[1], and a-ROUND here ... we can spin them until they break into a million pieces![2], and, listen! ... you can eat your dinner off these words / and that's my personal guarantee, ha![1], and ... 'Yes!'[2], and how many guarantees is that now?[1], and, listen! ... you can eat your dinner off these words / and that's my personal guarantee, ha![2], and, yes, yes ... even the fragments[1], and how many guarantees is that now?[2], and the point I'm making is: The dirt of the world is gone[1], and, yes, yes ... even the fragments[2], and, you, you, YOU(!) ... dig?[1], and the point I'm making is: Th e dir t o f t he wor ld i s go ne[2], and ... 'The dirt of the world is, uh ... filth, boss, and we hate it / and personally, I'm glad it's gone'[1], and, you, you, YOU(!) ... dig?[2], and ... so am I[1], and ... 'The dirt of the world is, uh ... filth, boss, and we hate it / and personally, I'm glad it's gone'[2], and now, now, now ...[1], and ... so am I[2], and the thoughts of cretins can't latch on to our shamanic spinning[1], and now, now, now ...[2], and that's something real[1], and the thoughts of cretins can't latch on to our shamanic spinning[2], and, so ... come on![1], and that's something real[2], and when you destroy ... you create a new world, a better world[1], and, so ... come on![2], and, so ... smile, yes, be happy[1], and when you destroy ... you create a new world, a better world[2], and this ... is reality, oh, a-ROUND here ... / and I'm not going anywhere, BUT(!) ...[1], and, so ... smile, yes, be happy[2], and ... I am everywhere![1], and this ... is reality, oh, a-ROUND here ... / and I'm not going anywhere, BUT(!) ...[2], and ... listen/read![3], and ... I a m e verywhere![2], and ... Will I ever run out of words?[3], and, no, no, no - !!![3], and, yes, yes, yes ... I'm throwing the words in, man![3], and ... in - !!![3], and a-ROUND here, obviously[3], and out there, look, kook(s)! ... crickets / and, ah ... the COLD WORLD is dead to the magic[3], and ... my magic / and ... our magic?[3], and, come on, come on! ... 'You're the boss, boss!'[3], and tell me about it ...[3], and I'll polish these words so that, uh ... you can see your bloody face in them, son![3], and ... 'Great!'[3], and I love words, oh yes ... especially when they break[3], and clean living![3], and a-ROUND here ... we can spin them until they break into a million pieces![3], and ... 'Yes!'[3], and, listen! ... you can eat your dinner off these words / and that's my personal guarantee, ha![3], and how many guarantees is that now?[3], and, yes, yes ... even the fragments[3], and the point I'm making is: T  h  e d  i  r  t o  f t  h  e w  o  r  l  d i  s g  o  n  e[3], and, you, you, YOU(!) ... dig?[3], and ... 'The dirt of the world is, uh ... filth, boss, and we hate it / and personally, I'm glad it's gone'[3], and ... so am I[3], and now, now, now ...[3], and the thoughts of cretins can't latch on to our shamanic spinning[3], and that's something real[3], and, so ... come on![3], and when you destroy ... you create a new world, a better world[3], and, so ... smile, yes, be happy[3], and this ... is reality, oh, a-ROUND here ... / and I'm not going anywhere, BUT(!) ...[3], and ... I a  m e  v  e  r  y  w  h  e  r  e![3], and

And ... listen/read![1], and ... Will I ever run out of words?[1], and ... listen/read![2], and, no, no, no - !!![1], and ... Will I ever run out of words?[2], and, yes, yes, yes ... I'm throwing the words in, man![1], and, no, no, no - !!![2], and ... in - !!![1], and, yes, yes, yes ... I'm throwing the words in, man![2], and a-ROUND here, obviously[1], and ... in - !!![2], and out there, look, kook(s)! ... crickets / and, ah ... the COLD WORLD is dead to the magic[1], and a-ROUND here, obviously[2], and ... my magic / and ... our magic?[1], and out there, look, kook(s)! ... crickets / and, ah ... the COLD WORLD is dead to the magic[2], and, come on, come on! ... 'You're the boss, boss!'[1], and ... my magic / and ... our magic?[2], and tell me about it ...[1], and, come on, come on! ... 'You're the boss, boss!'[2], and I'll polish these words so that, uh ... you can see your bloody face in them, son![1], and tell me about it ...[2], and ... 'Great!'[1], and I'll polish these words so that, uh ... you can see your bloody face in them, son![2], and I love words, oh yes ... especially when they break[1], and ... 'Great!'[2], and clean living![1], and I love words, oh yes ... especially when they break[2], and a-ROUND here ... we can spin them until they break into a million pieces![1], and clean living![2], and ... 'Yes!'[1], and a-ROUND here ... we can spin them until they break into a million pieces![2], and, listen! ... you can eat your dinner off these words / and that's my personal guarantee, ha![1], and ... 'Yes!'[2], and how many guarantees is that now?[1], and, listen! ... you can eat your dinner off these words / and that's my personal guarantee, ha![2], and, yes, yes ... even the fragments[1], and how many guarantees is that now?[2], and the point I'm making is: The dirt of the world is gone[1], and, yes, yes ... even the fragments[2], and, you, you, YOU(!) ... dig?[1], and the point I'm making is: Th e dir t o f t he wor ld i s go ne[2], and ... 'The dirt of the world is, uh ... filth, boss, and we hate it / and personally, I'm glad it's gone'[1], and, you, you, YOU(!) ... dig?[2], and ... so am I[1], and ... 'The dirt of the world is, uh ... filth, boss, and we hate it / and personally, I'm glad it's gone'[2], and now, now, now ...[1], and ... so am I[2], and the thoughts of cretins can't latch on to our shamanic spinning[1], and now, now, now ...[2], and that's something real[1], and the thoughts of cretins can't latch on to our shamanic spinning[2], and, so ... come on![1], and that's something real[2], and when you destroy ... you create a new world, a better world[1], and, so ... come on![2], and, so ... smile, yes, be happy[1], and when you destroy ... you create a new world, a better world[2], and this ... is reality, oh, a-ROUND here ... / and I'm not going anywhere, BUT(!) ...[1], and, so ... smile, yes, be happy[2], and ... I am everywhere![1], and this ... is reality, oh, a-ROUND here ... / and I'm not going anywhere, BUT(!) ...[2], and ... listen/read![3], and ... I a m e verywhere![2], and ... Will I ever run out of words?[3], and, no, no, no - !!![3], and, yes, yes, yes ... I'm throwing the words in, man![3], and ... in - !!![3], and a-ROUND here, obviously[3], and out there, look, kook(s)! ... crickets / and, ah ... the COLD WORLD is dead to the magic[3], and ... my magic / and ... our magic?[3], and, come on, come on! ... 'You're the boss, boss!'[3], and tell me about it ...[3], and I'll polish these words so that, uh ... you can see your bloody face in them, son![3], and ... 'Great!'[3], and I love words, oh yes ... especially when they break[3], and clean living![3], and a-ROUND here ... we can spin them until they break into a million pieces![3], and ... 'Yes!'[3], and, listen! ... you can eat your dinner off these words / and that's my personal guarantee, ha![3], and how many guarantees is that now?[3], and, yes, yes ... even the fragments[3], and the point I'm making is: T  h  e d  i  r  t o  f t  h  e w  o  r  l  d i  s g  o  n  e[3], and, you, you, YOU(!) ... dig?[3], and ... 'The dirt of the world is, uh ... filth, boss, and we hate it / and personally, I'm glad it's gone'[3], and ... so am I[3], and now, now, now ...[3], and the thoughts of cretins can't latch on to our shamanic spinning[3], and that's something real[3], and, so ... come on![3], and when you destroy ... you create a new world, a better world[3], and, so ... smile, yes, be happy[3], and this ... is reality, oh, a-ROUND here ... / and I'm not going anywhere, BUT(!) ...[3], and ... I a  m e  v  e  r  y  w  h  e  r  e![3], and

And ... listen/read![1], and ... Will I ever run out of words?[1], and ... listen/read![2], and, no, no, no - !!![1], and ... Will I ever run out of words?[2], and, yes, yes, yes ... I'm throwing the words in, man![1], and, no, no, no - !!![2], and ... in - !!![1], and, yes, yes, yes ... I'm throwing the words in, man![2], and a-ROUND here, obviously[1], and ... in - !!![2], and out there, look, kook(s)! ... crickets / and, ah ... the COLD WORLD is dead to the magic[1], and a-ROUND here, obviously[2], and ... my magic / and ... our magic?[1], and out there, look, kook(s)! ... crickets / and, ah ... the COLD WORLD is dead to the magic[2], and, come on, come on! ... 'You're the boss, boss!'[1], and ... my magic / and ... our magic?[2], and tell me about it ...[1], and, come on, come on! ... 'You're the boss, boss!'[2], and I'll polish these words so that, uh ... you can see your bloody face in them, son![1], and tell me about it ...[2], and ... 'Great!'[1], and I'll polish these words so that, uh ... you can see your bloody face in them, son![2], and I love words, oh yes ... especially when they break[1], and ... 'Great!'[2], and clean living![1], and I love words, oh yes ... especially when they break[2], and a-ROUND here ... we can spin them until they break into a million pieces![1], and clean living![2], and ... 'Yes!'[1], and a-ROUND here ... we can spin them until they break into a million pieces![2], and, listen! ... you can eat your dinner off these words / and that's my personal guarantee, ha![1], and ... 'Yes!'[2], and how many guarantees is that now?[1], and, listen! ... you can eat your dinner off these words / and that's my personal guarantee, ha![2], and, yes, yes ... even the fragments[1], and how many guarantees is that now?[2], and the point I'm making is: The dirt of the world is gone[1], and, yes, yes ... even the fragments[2], and, you, you, YOU(!) ... dig?[1], and the point I'm making is: Th e dir t o f t he wor ld i s go ne[2], and ... 'The dirt of the world is, uh ... filth, boss, and we hate it / and personally, I'm glad it's gone'[1], and, you, you, YOU(!) ... dig?[2], and ... so am I[1], and ... 'The dirt of the world is, uh ... filth, boss, and we hate it / and personally, I'm glad it's gone'[2], and now, now, now ...[1], and ... so am I[2], and the thoughts of cretins can't latch on to our shamanic spinning[1], and now, now, now ...[2], and that's something real[1], and the thoughts of cretins can't latch on to our shamanic spinning[2], and, so ... come on![1], and that's something real[2], and when you destroy ... you create a new world, a better world[1], and, so ... come on![2], and, so ... smile, yes, be happy[1], and when you destroy ... you create a new world, a better world[2], and this ... is reality, oh, a-ROUND here ... / and I'm not going anywhere, BUT(!) ...[1], and, so ... smile, yes, be happy[2], and ... I am everywhere![1], and this ... is reality, oh, a-ROUND here ... / and I'm not going anywhere, BUT(!) ...[2], and ... listen/read![3], and ... I a m e verywhere![2], and ... Will I ever run out of words?[3], and, no, no, no - !!![3], and, yes, yes, yes ... I'm throwing the words in, man![3], and ... in - !!![3], and a-ROUND here, obviously[3], and out there, look, kook(s)! ... crickets / and, ah ... the COLD WORLD is dead to the magic[3], and ... my magic / and ... our magic?[3], and, come on, come on! ... 'You're the boss, boss!'[3], and tell me about it ...[3], and I'll polish these words so that, uh ... you can see your bloody face in them, son![3], and ... 'Great!'[3], and I love words, oh yes ... especially when they break[3], and clean living![3], and a-ROUND here ... we can spin them until they break into a million pieces![3], and ... 'Yes!'[3], and, listen! ... you can eat your dinner off these words / and that's my personal guarantee, ha![3], and how many guarantees is that now?[3], and, yes, yes ... even the fragments[3], and the point I'm making is: T  h  e d  i  r  t o  f t  h  e w  o  r  l  d i  s g  o  n  e[3], and, you, you, YOU(!) ... dig?[3], and ... 'The dirt of the world is, uh ... filth, boss, and we hate it / and personally, I'm glad it's gone'[3], and ... so am I[3], and now, now, now ...[3], and the thoughts of cretins can't latch on to our shamanic spinning[3], and that's something real[3], and, so ... come on![3], and when you destroy ... you create a new world, a better world[3], and, so ... smile, yes, be happy[3], and this ... is reality, oh, a-ROUND here ... / and I'm not going anywhere, BUT(!) ...[3], and ... I a  m e  v  e  r  y  w  h  e  r  e![3], and

Detlef Glow strikes again!

Detlef Glow! I love this guy, whoever he is. 'He's Lipper head of EMEA research at Refinitiv, boss.' Of course he is! I knew that, Voice.

Anyway, he's got some insights for us. 'About what?!' Ha! Funds. Inflows. You know? 'Oh.' Yes. Look! -

Long-term mutual funds posted net inflows for September 2019.
The overall fund flows for mutual funds in Europe in September amounted to net inflows of €10.5 bn.
Equity funds (+€14.3 bn) were the best-selling individual asset type overall for September.
God Gave Rock And Roll To You.
Equity Global (+€11.3 bn) was the best-selling sector among long-term funds for September.
Ireland (+€31.0 bn) was the fund domicile with the highest net inflows, followed by Switzerland (+€1.6 bn) and the U.K. (+€0.7 bn).
BlackRock was the best-selling fund promoter for September overall, with net sales of €5.5 bn, ahead of Vanguard Group (+€3.3 bn) and Legal & General (+€3.1 bn).
The 10 best-selling long-term funds gathered at the share-class level amounted to net inflows of €15.0 bn for September.
CA 08/10/2019 C (+€5.0 bn) was the best-selling individual long-term fund for September.

And guess what ... 'What? Tell me, boss! Tell the readers!' Ha! Our Detlef wants to say a few words. 'Brilliant!' Right now, too. 'Great! Soul connection?' Oh, no. 'Mind connection?' Just a PR email, Voice. Look - !

Detlef Glow, Lipper Head of EMEA Research at Refinitiv, comments: "After strong outflows from equity funds in August, it appears quantitative easing by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve have led European investors back to equities in September. This comes despite ongoing concerns about declining company earnings and the possible effects of a trade war between the U.S. and China. As a result, September was the seventh month during which long-term mutual funds posted net inflows this year."

And ... [drum roll] ...

ENDS - !!!


Right. Anything else? Music? My music?! [I'm going to stop these updates soon. Seriously!] Okay. I made some progress with my Good Times/Bad Times lyric last night. I approached it the same way I approach my conceptuals: just throw words in ... with total confidence, man, see what sticks, and then edit a lot. / I think I've developed the perfect songwriting system.* Ideally, it should all start off with a blackout or dream tune. That only needs to be five or six seconds long. Ah, seven or eight, I don't know. Just a high-quality, inspired fragment, you dig? Then you put it on a straight line. You get the whole tune and structure finished. Chords, rhythm, the works. Then you move on to the lyric. You start the lyric by just singing gibberish to the tune while playing the guitar. You get a title, and a concept, and a few lines. Then you move to the laptop and do the conceptual-style writing thing. You occasionally pick up the guitar to make sure the lines are singable. Eventually, you have a song. And it'll be a great song if the initial fragment is first-class BECAUSE(!) ... you maintain standards all the way down the line.

So, all I need to do now is speed the process up. That might not happen until I get a deal and can devote myself full-time to music. It would be nice if I could write a whole song in two days. I would only have to do that once a month, uh, twelve times a year. I'd become a legend.

You dig? 'Yes, Mikey!' Good!


*I don't mind sharing my system because it's like the David Goggins situation. I mean, reading about Goggins and being like Goggins are two completely different things.

Monday, 21 October 2019

[No. 748] That'll be the day

Yeah, I'll be all right.

And sod banks![1], and sod hedge funds![1], and sod banks![2], and, listen ... I've had enough of sodding finance blogging / and, Christ ... sod it - !!![1], and sod hedge funds![2], and ... freedom - ?![1], and, listen ... I've had enough of sodding finance blogging / and, Christ ... sod it - !!![2], and I've done all the early stages, actually / and, oh yes, years of it, but it's a good film[1], and ... freedom - ?![2], and, so ...[1], and I've done all the early stages, actually / and, oh yes, years of it, but it's a good film[2], and I've got the three chords, man / and I've got the truth, man[1], and, so ...[2], and a-ROUND now[1], and I've got the three chords, man / and I've got the tru th, man[2], and don't YOU(!) come too close ...[1], and a-ROUND now[2], and I'm not drunk, no[1], and don't YOU(!) come too close ...[2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND here ... / ... and, oh, just like a fairground ride![1], and I'm not drunk, no[2], and I'm a madman when I'm DIZZY(!)[1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND here ... / ... and, oh, just like a fairground ride![2], and, well, so ...[1], and I'm a madman when I'm DIZZY(!)[2], and I've got the guitar, man / and I've got the songs, man[1], and, well, so ...[2], and ... like Elvis![1], and I've got the guitar, man / and I've got the songs, man[2], and it must be great, yes, it must be / and, uh ... it will be, yes[1], and ... like Elvis![2], and, uh, this ... ?[1], and it must be great, yes, it must be / and, uh ... it will be, yes[2], and ... 'Mikey, you can't write conceptuals for the rest of your life' / and I know, Voice ... I'm not daft[1], and, uh, this ... ?[2], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... let's spin, for now[1], and ... 'Mikey, you can't write conceptuals for the rest of your life' / and I know, Voice ... I'm not daft[2], and maybe this ... won't last forever[1], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... let's spin, for now[2], and ... 'No'[1], and maybe this ... won't last forever[2], and we'll have to move on, eventually, all of us[1], and ... 'No'[2], and ... 'Yes'[1], and we'll have to move on, eventually, all of us[2], and long live rock![1], and ... 'Yes'[2], and ... 'Are you going to be like Stormy Tempest?' / and ... ha, ha, ha! Er, no[1], and long live rock![2], and, no, no, no ... I'm going to be like me[1], and ... 'Are you going to be like Stormy Tempest?' / and ... ha, ha, ha! Er, no[2], and I hope you don't fall out with bad company, Voice[1], and, no, no, no ... I'm going to be like me[2], and listen now![1], and I hope you don't fall out with bad company, Voice[2], and, yeah, yeah ... I'll be all right[1], and listen now![2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and keep saying it, uh ... all right[1], and, yeah, yeah ... I'll be all right[2], and because repetition works[1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and keep saying it, uh ... all right[2], and ... all, all, all right[1], and because repetition works[2], and ... all right?[1], and ... all, all, all right[2], and sod banks![3], and ... all right?[2], and sod hedge funds![3], and, listen ... I've had enough of sodding finance blogging / and, Christ ... sod it - !!![3], and ... freedom - ?![3], and I've done all the early stages, actually / and, oh yes, years of it, but it's a good film[3], and, so ...[3], and I've got the three chords, man / and I've got the t  r  u  t  h, man[3], and a-ROUND now[3], and don't YOU(!) come too close ...[3], and I'm not drunk, no[3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND here ... / ... and, oh, just like a fairground ride![3], and I'm a madman when I'm DIZZY(!)[3], and, well, so ...[3], and I've got the guitar, man / and I've got the songs, man[3], and ... like Elvis![3], and it must be great, yes, it must be / and, uh ... it will be, yes[3], and, uh, this ... ?[3], and ... 'Mikey, you can't write conceptuals for the rest of your life' / and I know, Voice ... I'm not daft[3], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... let's spin, for now[3], and maybe this ... won't last forever[3], and ... 'No'[3], and we'll have to move on, eventually, all of us[3], and ... 'Yes'[3], and long live rock![3], and ... 'Are you going to be like Stormy Tempest?' / and ... ha, ha, ha! Er, no[3], and, no, no, no ... I'm going to be like me[3], and I hope you don't fall out with bad company, Voice[3], and listen now![3], and, yeah, yeah ... I'll be all right[3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and keep saying it, uh ... all right[3], and because repetition works[3], and ... all, all, all right[3], and ... all right?[3], and

And sod banks![1], and sod hedge funds![1], and sod banks![2], and, listen ... I've had enough of sodding finance blogging / and, Christ ... sod it - !!![1], and sod hedge funds![2], and ... freedom - ?![1], and, listen ... I've had enough of sodding finance blogging / and, Christ ... sod it - !!![2], and I've done all the early stages, actually / and, oh yes, years of it, but it's a good film[1], and ... freedom - ?![2], and, so ...[1], and I've done all the early stages, actually / and, oh yes, years of it, but it's a good film[2], and I've got the three chords, man / and I've got the truth, man[1], and, so ...[2], and a-ROUND now[1], and I've got the three chords, man / and I've got the tru th, man[2], and don't YOU(!) come too close ...[1], and a-ROUND now[2], and I'm not drunk, no[1], and don't YOU(!) come too close ...[2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND here ... / ... and, oh, just like a fairground ride![1], and I'm not drunk, no[2], and I'm a madman when I'm DIZZY(!)[1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND here ... / ... and, oh, just like a fairground ride![2], and, well, so ...[1], and I'm a madman when I'm DIZZY(!)[2], and I've got the guitar, man / and I've got the songs, man[1], and, well, so ...[2], and ... like Elvis![1], and I've got the guitar, man / and I've got the songs, man[2], and it must be great, yes, it must be / and, uh ... it will be, yes[1], and ... like Elvis![2], and, uh, this ... ?[1], and it must be great, yes, it must be / and, uh ... it will be, yes[2], and ... 'Mikey, you can't write conceptuals for the rest of your life' / and I know, Voice ... I'm not daft[1], and, uh, this ... ?[2], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... let's spin, for now[1], and ... 'Mikey, you can't write conceptuals for the rest of your life' / and I know, Voice ... I'm not daft[2], and maybe this ... won't last forever[1], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... let's spin, for now[2], and ... 'No'[1], and maybe this ... won't last forever[2], and we'll have to move on, eventually, all of us[1], and ... 'No'[2], and ... 'Yes'[1], and we'll have to move on, eventually, all of us[2], and long live rock![1], and ... 'Yes'[2], and ... 'Are you going to be like Stormy Tempest?' / and ... ha, ha, ha! Er, no[1], and long live rock![2], and, no, no, no ... I'm going to be like me[1], and ... 'Are you going to be like Stormy Tempest?' / and ... ha, ha, ha! Er, no[2], and I hope you don't fall out with bad company, Voice[1], and, no, no, no ... I'm going to be like me[2], and listen now![1], and I hope you don't fall out with bad company, Voice[2], and, yeah, yeah ... I'll be all right[1], and listen now![2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and keep saying it, uh ... all right[1], and, yeah, yeah ... I'll be all right[2], and because repetition works[1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and keep saying it, uh ... all right[2], and ... all, all, all right[1], and because repetition works[2], and ... all right?[1], and ... all, all, all right[2], and sod banks![3], and ... all right?[2], and sod hedge funds![3], and, listen ... I've had enough of sodding finance blogging / and, Christ ... sod it - !!![3], and ... freedom - ?![3], and I've done all the early stages, actually / and, oh yes, years of it, but it's a good film[3], and, so ...[3], and I've got the three chords, man / and I've got the t  r  u  t  h, man[3], and a-ROUND now[3], and don't YOU(!) come too close ...[3], and I'm not drunk, no[3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND here ... / ... and, oh, just like a fairground ride![3], and I'm a madman when I'm DIZZY(!)[3], and, well, so ...[3], and I've got the guitar, man / and I've got the songs, man[3], and ... like Elvis![3], and it must be great, yes, it must be / and, uh ... it will be, yes[3], and, uh, this ... ?[3], and ... 'Mikey, you can't write conceptuals for the rest of your life' / and I know, Voice ... I'm not daft[3], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... let's spin, for now[3], and maybe this ... won't last forever[3], and ... 'No'[3], and we'll have to move on, eventually, all of us[3], and ... 'Yes'[3], and long live rock![3], and ... 'Are you going to be like Stormy Tempest?' / and ... ha, ha, ha! Er, no[3], and, no, no, no ... I'm going to be like me[3], and I hope you don't fall out with bad company, Voice[3], and listen now![3], and, yeah, yeah ... I'll be all right[3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and keep saying it, uh ... all right[3], and because repetition works[3], and ... all, all, all right[3], and ... all right?[3], and

And sod banks![1], and sod hedge funds![1], and sod banks![2], and, listen ... I've had enough of sodding finance blogging / and, Christ ... sod it - !!![1], and sod hedge funds![2], and ... freedom - ?![1], and, listen ... I've had enough of sodding finance blogging / and, Christ ... sod it - !!![2], and I've done all the early stages, actually / and, oh yes, years of it, but it's a good film[1], and ... freedom - ?![2], and, so ...[1], and I've done all the early stages, actually / and, oh yes, years of it, but it's a good film[2], and I've got the three chords, man / and I've got the truth, man[1], and, so ...[2], and a-ROUND now[1], and I've got the three chords, man / and I've got the tru th, man[2], and don't YOU(!) come too close ...[1], and a-ROUND now[2], and I'm not drunk, no[1], and don't YOU(!) come too close ...[2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND here ... / ... and, oh, just like a fairground ride![1], and I'm not drunk, no[2], and I'm a madman when I'm DIZZY(!)[1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND here ... / ... and, oh, just like a fairground ride![2], and, well, so ...[1], and I'm a madman when I'm DIZZY(!)[2], and I've got the guitar, man / and I've got the songs, man[1], and, well, so ...[2], and ... like Elvis![1], and I've got the guitar, man / and I've got the songs, man[2], and it must be great, yes, it must be / and, uh ... it will be, yes[1], and ... like Elvis![2], and, uh, this ... ?[1], and it must be great, yes, it must be / and, uh ... it will be, yes[2], and ... 'Mikey, you can't write conceptuals for the rest of your life' / and I know, Voice ... I'm not daft[1], and, uh, this ... ?[2], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... let's spin, for now[1], and ... 'Mikey, you can't write conceptuals for the rest of your life' / and I know, Voice ... I'm not daft[2], and maybe this ... won't last forever[1], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... let's spin, for now[2], and ... 'No'[1], and maybe this ... won't last forever[2], and we'll have to move on, eventually, all of us[1], and ... 'No'[2], and ... 'Yes'[1], and we'll have to move on, eventually, all of us[2], and long live rock![1], and ... 'Yes'[2], and ... 'Are you going to be like Stormy Tempest?' / and ... ha, ha, ha! Er, no[1], and long live rock![2], and, no, no, no ... I'm going to be like me[1], and ... 'Are you going to be like Stormy Tempest?' / and ... ha, ha, ha! Er, no[2], and I hope you don't fall out with bad company, Voice[1], and, no, no, no ... I'm going to be like me[2], and listen now![1], and I hope you don't fall out with bad company, Voice[2], and, yeah, yeah ... I'll be all right[1], and listen now![2], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and keep saying it, uh ... all right[1], and, yeah, yeah ... I'll be all right[2], and because repetition works[1], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and keep saying it, uh ... all right[2], and ... all, all, all right[1], and because repetition works[2], and ... all right?[1], and ... all, all, all right[2], and sod banks![3], and ... all right?[2], and sod hedge funds![3], and, listen ... I've had enough of sodding finance blogging / and, Christ ... sod it - !!![3], and ... freedom - ?![3], and I've done all the early stages, actually / and, oh yes, years of it, but it's a good film[3], and, so ...[3], and I've got the three chords, man / and I've got the t  r  u  t  h, man[3], and a-ROUND now[3], and don't YOU(!) come too close ...[3], and I'm not drunk, no[3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND here ... / ... and, oh, just like a fairground ride![3], and I'm a madman when I'm DIZZY(!)[3], and, well, so ...[3], and I've got the guitar, man / and I've got the songs, man[3], and ... like Elvis![3], and it must be great, yes, it must be / and, uh ... it will be, yes[3], and, uh, this ... ?[3], and ... 'Mikey, you can't write conceptuals for the rest of your life' / and I know, Voice ... I'm not daft[3], and, but, but, BUT(!) ... let's spin, for now[3], and maybe this ... won't last forever[3], and ... 'No'[3], and we'll have to move on, eventually, all of us[3], and ... 'Yes'[3], and long live rock![3], and ... 'Are you going to be like Stormy Tempest?' / and ... ha, ha, ha! Er, no[3], and, no, no, no ... I'm going to be like me[3], and I hope you don't fall out with bad company, Voice[3], and listen now![3], and, yeah, yeah ... I'll be all right[3], and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND, and a-ROUND ... / ... and keep saying it, uh ... all right[3], and because repetition works[3], and ... all, all, all right[3], and ... all right?[3], and