Thursday 31 October 2019

Okay, okay, okay

Yeah, yeah. One extra okay because it's the end of the week and I'm feeling fine, you dig? 'Yes, boss!' Nice one, Voice!

Oh ... I finished the lyric for Good Times/Bad Times yesterday, dear reader(s). And I'm pleased with it. Er ... the music is the most important part of a world-beater, by the way. Just so you know. I reckon I'll only try for one great lyric per album. [Nothing - !!!] 'Like Philip Larkin.' What?! 'Like Philip Larkin, boss.' And what albums did he record? 'I mean, his poems, man. One big poem in every collection.' Yeah. Three poems. Tell me what they are. 'Church Going, The Whitsun Weddings, and The Building.' That's right. You know your poetry, Voice. / Aubade is another big one, a late one, but didn't have a collection to go into because ... Larkin probably wasn't writing much then.

Now, taking souls ... that Goggins concept. Well, that's what I'm trying to do with my music, kook(s). I mean, it's just occurred to me, these last few days, like. I mean ... if I can get ten world-beaters, I'll be, uh ... unbeatable, man, even going up against other great songwriters with hundreds of songs. 'Those wasters!' To tell you the truth, I can't see me writing more than a hundred songs.

The Whitsun Weddings and Aubade are world-beaters, as far as poetry goes. / A lot of artists don't really understand that you only need a handful of masterpieces to build a massive reputation. 'Oh, I think they understand, boss.' Yeah, I suppose. But they don't try. They don't push themselves. I tell you, if David Goggins was a poet, then we would see some fucking poems! 'Ha!' Ha, ha, ha. 'And if he were a songwriter?' Don't put ideas in his head! FFS!

Right. Anything else? Uh, oh ... one final thing, before I go. Listen! My thinking was ... that the Good Times/Bad Times lyric would be impossible to finish because of the difficult structure and length. 'Oh.' I mean, what was I going to say over four verses, man? 'Yeah.' BUT(!) ... I wrote fearlessly, like with my conceptuals, and it all came together. Inspiration is bullshit, son! [Daughter!] Amazing things can happen when you just dive in. You dig?

Later(s), pumpkin(s)!