Wednesday 11 January 2023

Poorest hit by low priced food hikes

Of course.

Hi Michael,


New data reveals that supermarkets are raising the price of value range food cupboard items at the fastest rate impacting the poorest in society the most.


Furthermore, the data shows that the more expensive food items have actually decreased in price over the same period.


Full release below.


'Full release below, boss!'

I know, Voice. I can read. I got eyes.

'Nice one!'

Anyway ... 

In the biggest study of its kind Skuuudle tracked the cost of almost 19,000 items in UK supermarkets on a daily basis from July to December and found that items originally below 75p accelerated at the fastest rate.


These items include many supermarket value range products including biscuits, chocolate, snacks, oils, rice, pasta, cans and packets of food.

Yet items priced above £5 in July have actually fallen in price, possibly as a result of reduced demand for high cost items.

Yeah, actually, I've noticed that. There are some nice "luxury" cheese and onion rolls I like in Tesco. They were £2.60. Then the price went up to £2.90. Now, it's down to about £2.75 or something. I don't know.

Anyway ...

Skuuudle generates market-leading data analytics to help retailers understand the markets they are operating in, to continue to provide optimum prices for consumers - in the face of rising inflation.

Yeah, sure. I suppose there's no harm in it.

'Are these the eggs guys, boss?.

Yeah. The eggs guys.

Anyway, we've got that spokesman again.


Calm down.

A Skuuudle spokesman said that retailers have an unenviable "balancing act" to perform when it comes to pricing, having to consider the needs of the customer, their suppliers and the supply chain.

He says: "The changes make difficult reading for those on low incomes who are seeing the cost of many value items increase but who may not be able to benefit at all from the reduction in price of more expensive items."


And he goes on a bit, this spokesman, but we don't need to hear everything, do we, kooks?

'Well ...'

Shut up.



Anyway, it's just the way things are.

I haven't got the energy to complain.

Things will probably get worse.

I doubt the cosmos knows anything about it either. The cosmos only notices consciousness - the higher, the better.

The cosmos doesn't care about things in the world.

'Doesn't know about them, Mikey!'

That's right. Doesn't know about them, Voice.

Imagine being that detached!

And it's not by choice. The cosmos doesn't choose. It can't.

But I've got peanut cookies ... if that makes any sense. I made that choice.

