Monday, 15 June 2015

Clive Adamson ... er, poacher to gamekeeper to poacher?!

Oh, I don't know, dear reader(s). I can't keep up! Clive Adamson was at the FCA, yeah? 'A gamekeeper, Mikey?' Something like that, Voice. He was the director of supervision. ['Oh. What did he supervise?' How do I know?] And ... NOW(!!!), uh, he's got two new jobs. One at JPMorgan, and one at Prudential. [Non-executive director, twice!] 'So it gets more confusing?' Yes, and our Clive used to work at Bank of America and Citi, you know, so ... 'Four jobs?!' Well, he was a double poacher at Bank of America and Citi, and then a gamekeeper at the FCA, and now he's a double poacher again at JPMorgan and Prudential. 'Christ! Where does Clive get the energy, boss?' I couldn't tell you, man. (I have to say he doesn't look very "energetic" in his photos. However, he has a nice smile. 'Lovely smile!' That counts for a lot in my book.) Well, well ... you've got to take your hat off to him, I imagine. If you have a hat, dear reader(s). I don't wear one myself. This isn't the 1940s.

Ah, enough already with the finance! / ... / It's Monday morning, man. It's summer. The sun is ... sort of shining. YOU(!) ... shouldn't even be reading this. 'What?!' You should be in the park. 'They can read it on their mobiles in the park.' That's fine, Voice. But just get yourselves to the park!!!

Personally, I'm staying in. With my guitar. Or I might go out.


Anything else? 'Guitar, boss!' Music? I'm listening to a lost classic song from the Eighties: Closest Thing to Heaven by The Kane Gang.

Another lost classic(ish) song from the Eighties is Ship of Fools by World Party. / It only got to No. 42 in the charts. If Oasis had written and recorded it in the Nineties it would have been No. 1. (It's their sort of thing.)

I'm just glad I've written three potential classics, but I probably need twenty or thirty to be on the safe side because classic songs (like the ones above) can go missing, you dig?


Anything else? Bloody hell! You want more?! 'Crazy! They want more!' You're insatiable! I ain't got no more for you. Give me a break!

You do know it's a Monday, yeah?