Wednesday 10 March 2021

I am awake

Believe it!

I woke up at four this morning, and I couldn't get back to sleep. I started thinking about how my position in life, my position as a spiritual aristocrat, has been given to me by the cosmos, and only the cosmos can take it away. Which it won't ever do ... because the cosmos allows everyone the opportunity to realize who they are, and be that thing. During life, and even after death.

If I don't become a rock star, I will have to jump in the sea.

I'm nearly fifty-two. There's no way back. No one can grab me and pull me in. I'm on my own.

If you've stared at the sea as much as I have in my life ... it changes you. I've done it in all weathers. Spring, summer, autumn, winter. I don't care! And I'm sure the sea doesn't notice.

The night sky is the same, with all those stars. The stars don't see.

Those material things are dead. Like my favourite rock in St Ives. But the cosmos is alive. There's a power there, a spiritual force.

It's got nothing to do with morals and submission. All that bullshit that enslaves people.

It's a power that you can take and make your own. You can be a part of it. How big a part all depends on the level of your consciousness.

The cosmos is in us. Are you alive to it?

Dear reader, are you awake?