Monday 10 January 2022

I actually have some PR emails that some lovely PR people have sent me ...

[Yes, some people are back at work.] But I'm not in the mood for finance. Maybe I'll do one tomorrow. 'And maybe you won't, boss.' Shut up, Voice!

I will do one tomorrow. So it is written, so it shall be done. Or something. I don't know.

Anyway ...

Music? My music? Yeah, yeah. Even though I should be working on those five lyrics, Christ! ... I've been working on my new tune instead, and it might be finished. Or it might not. I mean, I might add to it. The tune is pretty cool, but the structure isn't very interesting at the moment, so I can't really judge how great this song will be. I'll just have to mess around with it for a while longer. 'Write those lyrics!' Yeah, yeah.

I did three hundred dumbbell reps in twenty minutes earlier this morning. They're only light dumbbells, but I think they're okay. I probably don't need heavier ones. I'm aching all over.

Okay, okay, this post is just a collection of random thoughts, obviously, on a grey, cold, Monday morning in winter. So what?! I have to write it. You better read it, dear reader(s) - for your sins. The cosmos wants you to burn off bad karma, too, you know. 'They don't know, boss.' Well, they do now. I just told them.

Oh, Sunspel polo shirts really are a better investment than Bitcoin. The price just went up again from £105 to £115. Some of their shirts are on sale though. I'm not going to buy any. There'll be another sale at Easter, I'm sure.

I've got to lose twenty-one pounds in seven weeks while putting on more muscle. 'Who says you've got to do that?!' Me, idiot! 'Ha! You won't be able to do it.' I will. 'You won't.' Listen! The Great Goggins was able to lose over a hundred pounds in less than three months. 'But he was motivated to join the Navy SEALs.' Yeah, and I'm motivated to be a rock star. Just keep your mouth shut! 'I ain't got a mouth, Mikey. I'm just a voice.' Whatever.

[We've been over this so many times, kook(s). He's got an astral body. Which includes a bloody mouth! Do you know what I mean?]

Anyway ...

Maybe I could be a film star as well. A remake of Point Blank. 'That's already been remade twice.' Yeah, yeah. I'll be able to do a better job than Mel Gibson and Jason Statham. It's a part I was born to play!

My version will be ultra violent. I want my money!!!


