Tuesday 25 January 2022

Yeah, yeah (part 17)

Is it really part 17? I can't remember. I've lost count. Never mind. It's just one of those posts again about ... NOTHING in particular because I don't want to write about finance, even though I've got loads of PR emails. 'Yippee!' Well, I've got a few, and it's NOTHING to celebrate, you dig? 'Oh.' Oh indeed!

Anyway ... music, actually. [Yes, I'm writing about music. Music only. This is going to be a dumbbell-free zone.]

Sometimes I get depressed about my music, man. I had one of those days yesterday. You know, days where I say to myself ... "My guitar playing isn't good enough" or "I don't have enough songs, after all these years" or "FFS! Do I really have to write SIX lyrics?!?!'

But it passes. I'm feeling better today.

I'm working on the lyric for Shady, Dodgy, Shifty. It should be finished this week. I've had the music for Life and Death for over a year, and I still haven't finished the lyric, or even started it much. Why? Because it's not very commercial. I like commercial songs these days, like Beatles and Bacharach. Obviously, I will finish it. I mean, it's going to be my third best song ...

According to me, like. / I reckon some people will like Shady, Dodgy, Shifty more than Mighty Soul. You never really know what people are going to think, or feel. However, I've got to trust my own judgement.

The next step ... is to get another song - as good as those two I've just mentioned - that will push The Future out of my BIG TEN.

That will be something to see, believe me. 'Hear, boss.' What, idiot? 'It will be something to hear.' Yes, thank you, Voice.

[I would be lost without him.]

Anyway ...

Er ... I've just deleted a paragraph. 'Ha!' A list of my ten "scrapped" songs. But I can't even bear to think about them. I've even scrapped the list. / You're Lying was the best of that lot. 'It's an ex-song, Mikey.' Yes. 'It's joined the great jukebox in the sky.' Yeah, whatever.

Yeah, yeah. I'll have eighteen "great" songs soon. Songs I can be proud of, you dig? Yeah! Ooooh!

Anyway ...

Eventually, I'll have to think about writing some "relaxed" album tracks. Classic examples of the genre are: You and I by Dennis Wilson, Wake Up Alone by Amy Winehouse, and I Know (I Know) by John Lennon.

Or maybe not. Music has changed. Maybe record companies don't - or can't - tolerate such songs now ... ??? Because of streaming.

To be honest with you, kook(s), I only really care about my BIG TEN. One more song will put me beyond anyone. ANYONE - !!!

Ha, ha, ha! Believe it! I'm an evil genius!

