Tuesday, 10 April 2012

BlueGold Capital has had enough, and it's going away

We'll never see it again. / What did the mysterious Stephen Jen know? That's what I want to know. Maybe he knew nothing. And he wasn't really all that mysterious was he? 'He wasn't mysterious at all!' Oh, you're right. He wasn't mysterious at all.

I wish I were going away. I wish I were returning all the flesh and bones to all the people who put everything into my success. The sacrifices they made! (Or rather, I made.) You'll never know, dear reader(s). Unless it gets into the papers one day.

BlueGold says it will return 98 per cent of investors money, soon. I suppose it's keeping the other 2 per cent for "expenses". That's what I would do. Times are hard. We need to get our hands on money wherever we can find it. Or maybe BlueGold will return the money, later. Some people are too honest for their own good. I remember what Big Herb once said to me: 'Listen to me, Mikey, if you're ever in business, you'll never get rich returning money to investors. Keep it for yourself.' Wise words. It's a shame he had to die in the astral night the way he did, my way, but life goes on, unbelievably.


I hope you like my new conceptual literature. I'll probably do it once or twice a week from now on. And I may leave conventional posts behind at some point. There are endless possibilities. (Picasso spent roughly ten years on Cubism. I can imagine putting that much time into my new thing.) With this, I have solved a serious problem which has been bothering me for a long while: first impressions. Most regular readers should know what I'm up to by now, but passing readers may be confused. It seems to me, I have been writing two kinds of posts. This kind, which look like financial news stories in a strange style. And the other kind, immortal words, etc., which are easily mistaken for prose poems. Well, I don't write financial news stories, and I don't write prose poems either. I write literature in the form of a blog, comprising of individual blog posts. The good thing is, my recent Dan Carter and Goldman Sachs posts can't be mistaken for news stories or prose poems. There is only one first impression an intelligent new reader can get: it's experimental literature. Of course, people may hate it. 'Oh, emperor's new clothes!' Blah blah blah. Well, I don't care about that. I just care that they don't get the wrong idea.