Wednesday 17 October 2018

Someone's been given some money

Not me! 'Not you, boss?' No, not me. 'Who then? Who's been given some money in these austere times?' Somebody else. Well, a firm. 'For fuck's sake, Mikey! Who?! What firm?!' Ha! Have a look at this, Voice, kook(s) -

IW Capital has today announced senior loan funding of £1.1 million to assist in the acquisition of Troika Systems Ltd, a global leader and specialist supplier to the printing and packaging industry.

Troika Systems Ltd is a long-established and award-winning UK manufacturer and distributor of 2D and 3D microscope scanning and management systems. Fresh Equity Limited, the Midlands-based SME investor, will be working with the management team to further grow the sector profile of Wiltshire-based Troika and its presence in the global marketplace.

The acquisition marks the first transaction that IW Capital has completed with Fresh Equity Ltd. Both parties hope that it is the first of many as they look to expand their cooperation together in the future. This loan is one of a series of new transactions that is being funded via IW Capital's new senior debt fund (IW Capital Secured Debt Co. No 1. LP).

You see? 'Yeah. Interesting.' Yes, it is. 'I suppose Luke Davis has got a thing or two to say about it, ain't he?' Yes. Yes. 'Well, go on then, boss.' Christ! Here -

Luke Davis, CEO and Founder of IW Capital, has commented on the announcement: "The funding provides a major boost to a well-established, UK company to help expand its global presence. We are pleased to have worked alongside Fresh Equity in the acquisition of Troika Systems and, with our new Secured Debt Fund, we are well positioned to support other businesses and their growth plans."

Thanks, Luke. Nice one. / You see, Voice? 'Yeah. / Is he available, our Luke?' What do you mean, "available"? Jesus! 'I mean, to have a chat about it, like. This news, like.' Oh. Uh, yes. 'So ...' What? 'Are you going to talk to him about it?' What, at this time of night?! No, no. 'You can talk to him in the morning, and then update your blog.' Ha! Yeah, right. And why would I want to do that? It's just more work, ain't it? I'm already knackered after those two conceptuals. They really take it out of me for some reason ... 'Okay. Okay.' / Okay, okay. Anyway, let's finish with Simon Hughes -

Simon Hughes, the new Chairman of Troika commented: "Troika is an exciting business and investment opportunity. The business will maintain its core aims and values and additional commercial resources will support the existing staff while helping to push its growth further."

All right. Fair enough.



Anything else? Music? I'm listening to ten ... what you might call "world-beaters" ... by other artists. [My definition, for my songs, is a bit different ... because my world-beaters have to be better than any other songs written by anyone else, including these ten. However, it's all subjective, man. Don't get upset!] And I've tried to be objective about it, man. I mean, I haven't necessarily picked my personal favourites. But for your information, dear pop fan(s), and in no particular order, they are: Smells Like Teen Spirit, Imagine, Hey Jude, Like a Rolling Stone, Stairway to Heaven, Wonderwall, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Live Forever, One, and A Day in the Life.

Good night!