Wednesday 15 June 2022

Yeah, yeah

I've got a PR email from Detlef and the gang. I'll do it tomorrow. I'm not in the mood for finance. It's too hot. 'But Detlef is a friend of ours!' Yes, Voice. That's why we're doing his email tomorrow. Christ!

Anyway ...

Fitness? Well, without pulling my stomach in, I can see a six-pack forming now and that V-shape you get, so - 'What V-shape, boss?' The shape you get when you do the fitness stuff. Dumbbells and that. 'Oh.' So this is giving me the motivation to go further and get rid of all my belly fat. Not many guys in their fifties have a six-pack, man. (I've never had one!) [I'm going beyond Steve McQueen to be more like Daniel Craig.] / And don't get the wrong idea, reader(s). I'm not doing this because I'm vain or anything. It's to get a record deal, you dig? 'Fuckin' A!' I'm not going to get a deal if I look like someone's dad who is just doing music as a hobby in his man cave or whatever. Do you know what I mean?

Music? My music?! I got a bit of a new tune last night. And I did it in the strange way, uh ... that I often do. Let me explain ... sometimes I might not play my guitar the whole day, but then I feel like picking it up and strumming a bit. Well, then ... I just play any chord and any rhythm and start singing any gibberish words and - something comes out straight away, in seconds! That's happened a few times. And it happened last night. / This new tune might end up as a supporting song. The bad news is ... I don't need no more new tunes, man!!! I need lyrics! 'When are you writing them?' Uh. Friday. 'You were supposed to write them last Friday.' Yeah, yeah. But it's going to be over thirty degrees this Friday. Too hot to go out. So - 'It might be too hot to write lyrics.' FFS! I'll force myself, Voice! Somehow, I will force myself to do it. 'Okay. I don't want to be hard on you, Mikey, but ... I am your manager, you know.' Yeah, yeah.

Invisible manager! Who's ever heard of such a thing? Ridiculous!

Never mind, eh?


Anything else?

Er ...