Thursday 30 June 2022

I'm a bit tired, actually

However, I did promise you another post for some reason. God knows why.

I wrote the second verse for The Future this afternoon. I've just got to finish the third verse ... and that will be it. Maybe I'll have another go tomorrow night.

It's quite a simple lyric, really. Just the way I like them. It's the music, man, that has all the power.

Music speaks to the soul, you dig?

Words speak to corrupt, dirty, idiotic minds ... most of the time. What's the point?!

There's nothing you can do that can't be done,
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung,
Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game -
It's easy.

Do you understand?

Anyway ...

Words are used by corrupt, dirty, idiotic minds ... a lot of the time. That's the real problem in this world.

The words of politicians.
The words of business leaders.
The words of military leaders.
The words of religious leaders.
The words of all leaders, basically.

These people have no authority. Nature hasn't given them any authority. They are the low. They are the empty. They are the lost.

Oh, and the cosmos despises them - and that's good enough for me.

Well ...

I hope you have a nice weekend, kooks.
